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Chapter Thirty: Hide And Seek

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Chapter Thirty: Hide And Seek

(The Matriarch, Part 3)


Allison's heart thundered in her chest as she raced down the hallway. Her footsteps pounded across the carpet as she just kept running until she came to a staircase.

Without hesitating, Allison ran up the stairs, ignoring the pain screaming from her wounded leg as she took the stairs two at a time until she came out on the landing. Panting heavily, Allison leaned against the wall, eyes closed and grimacing in pain from her leg. But that pain seemed mild compared to what she'd just witnessed happen to Ryan.

God, Ryan.

Allison's eyes snapped open. She had to find Ryan. Laura was fine, but Ryan had a knife sticking out of him. She needed to find him and help him. If that knife came out... if he died...

No. Allison wouldn't let that happen. She could fix it.

She just had to find Ryan before any of the Hacketts did—or before they found her.

Pushing herself off the wall, Allison limped down the hallway. It looked the same as the hallway down below, with the exception of there being rooms up here, with some closed,  some that were open. Allison limped down the hall and peered into the rooms one by one, simply looking into the ones already opened and opening the doors of the ones that weren't, looking for any sign of Ryan in them. Her progress was slow, and a part of her mind screamed at her to hurry up and find him, but if she sped up, that might put her and Ryan in greater danger.

She had to keep using her method, and pray it worked before she was found.

As she was opening the door to the fifth room, footsteps sounded, loud and heavy. Without hesitating, Allison threw the door open and rushed inside, closing it immediately as her heart pounded in her chest, panting heavily.


Allison turned and saw Ryan.

"Oh thank God," she breathed, barely restraining herself from hugging him as she walked up to him, her relief switching over to concern and fear as she saw the knife sticking out of his side.

"Are you okay, Ryan?" she asked.

"Never... better," he gasped out, wincing in pain as his hand moved to the knife.

"Don't!" Allison hissed. 

Ryan's hand dropped as she explained, "That knife is the only thing keeping you alive right now. You take that out, you'll bleed out and die. And I don't know if I can just bandage it up—it looks like it needs stitches. Fuck..."

Allison pushed her hair back, mind racing, until she remembered the footsteps. The footsteps that would be coming this way.

"Ryan," she whispered but her friend was already peering through the peep hole. When he saw their pursuer, he stumbled back and grabbed her arm, whispering, "This way."

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