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Chapter Forty: Interrogations

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Chapter Forty: Interrogations

(Ending, Part 3)


As one, all thirteen of them whirled around to the sirens as Max asked, "Uh, hun, why are the cops here?"

Before Laura could answer, Dylan walked away from Ryan and stepped forward as the shapes of the cop cars drove toward them, red and blue lights flashing dizzingly as the sirens still screamed out and he said, "Oh, they got our message."

At that, Dylan's face drained. "Oh shit, they got our message."

"Is that bad? Help's finally come and we can get out of here," Emma asked, as everyone else not her, Jacob or even Sarah and Nick had the same realisation dawn on them.

'Yeah, and maybe we can tell them about the dead body in the lake and all the crazy hunter dudes," Jacob said.

"I completely forgot about the body in the lake," Hayden whispered, face as pale as it could get as she buried her face in her hands. "Oh God, this is bad."

"Seriously, why is this so bad? We want to get out of here and we can also tell them about Kaylee," Sarah questioned.

Jacob nodded, before seeing the rest of them still looked tense and nervous. "Guys, seriously, what the hell is going on with you? Hello, fill us in."

He gestured to himself, Emma, Sarah and Nick, who stared at those who knew the full truth as realisation shone in Max's eyes and he winced and whispered, "Laura..."

"It was to save you, and it worked," Laura whispered back as Hayden, unable to keep it in, revealed, "We murdered people."

Silence as Emma, Jacob, Nick and Sarah stared at her, before Nick breathed, "What? Hayden, what the hell are you talking about?"

"We, uh, murdered people. Except they were werewolves trying to kill us so it was in self-defence?" Hayden explained, voice going high.

"And we needed to kill the werewolves that bit you"—Allison gestured to Nick, Sarah, Max and Laura in turn—"so you could be cured and human again. That was the only way."

Silence, before Sarah demanded, "Okay, okay. Who, exactly, murdered people tonight?"

As one, Laura, Allison, Kaitlyn and Hayden raised their hands.

"Uh, does 'would have murdered anyway if not for crazy-as-fuck fast werewolf healing' count? Because..." Nora threw in as she raised her hand, then Dylan followed a heartbeat later—probably remembering when he slammed the car down on Caleb to save Hayden and Kaitlyn back at the scrapyard. Raising the count up to six.

"Jesus Christ..." Jacob breathed as Nick stared at Allison and Hayden, while Emma muttered, "Okay, that's ironic if me, Nick, Sarah and Max were... werewolves... and we didn't kill anyone."

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