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Chapter Twenty-Two: Arguments And Splitting Up

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Chapter Twenty-Two: Arguments And Splitting Up

(The Belly Of The Beast)


After the story Laura had shared and the revelation bombshells she dropped, Laura only had one thing to say to the seven of them about the situation happening to them—to Nick and Sarah.

"Where is Chris Hackett?"

"Shut up!" Ryan yelled, on the defensive.

"Wow. Rude," Laura muttered.

Looking at them, Ryan yelled, "Guys. She murdered Kaylee!"

"We have been over this," Laura said irritably.

"Just because she was a werewolf doesn't mean she wasn't still a person," Nora said, looking at her. "How is she any different than Max? Or our friends?"

Laura was quiet at that.

"Uh, Kaitlyn, Allison, what do I do?" Ryan asked them.

"Oh wow. Real strong showing on the leadership front," Laura snarked.

"I said shut up!" Ryan yelled.

"Oh no way. I am not getting involved. This is all you, buddy," Kaitlyn declined. "Just... think about everything that's happened tonight, okay? That's all I say."

"Yeah, this is your call, Ryan. I'll keep my arrow at her, but that's it," Allison told him, eyes narrowed at Laura before she added in a softer voice, "Especially about Nick and Sarah. About what that motherfucking werewolf did to them."

"The body in the lake, too," Abi reminded. "Remember what Jacob said."

"Yeah, right," Dylan muttered.

"I forgot about the body in the lake," Hayden admitted, Nora giving her an understanding look.

"Listen to me. These people are not who you think they are. I promise," Laura said

Laura had a point, Hayden could admit that. And like Laura, she was angry. Angry that Nick had been bitten, that he was doomed to transform into a monster every full moon unless the werewolf who bit him was killed with silver on that full moon, angry that this curse could take her brother away and Hayden would be unable to save him unless she could find that werewolf and kill it, angry at this whole situation that had caused her brother to be bitten. And she wanted to find the werewolf. God, she wanted to find it, was itching to find the werewolf that bit her brother and use one of Allison's arrows to stab it and free Nick, to have her brother back again.

Just as Laura wanted to cure Max badly, so did Hayden. On that, they had some common ground.

"Hold up. You... you said you heard a woman crying? When you escaped?" Ryan questioned.

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