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Chapter Twenty-Eight: Talks In The Woods

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Chapter Twenty-Eight: Talks In The Woods

(The Matriarch)


After what happened at the van, the walk to the scrapyard was uneventful.

Still, that didn't mean Hayden's guard was lowered as she watched the trees and the shadows lingering between them for any sign of werewolves, keenly aware of the bracelet in her pocket and the knife in her hand. She also watched for any sign of Nora, that if she ran into them, then they could direct her back to the lodge and get into the storm shelter—that was, if Nora was still alive.

If she hadn't been bitten.

Hayden shook the thoughts away, readjusting her grip on the knife. Nora was okay—she had to be. If anyone could survive a direct confrontation with a werewolf, it would be her.

"Have you been there before?" Dylan asked, breaking the silence that had fallen over them, the question directed at Kaitlyn.

"The scrapyard? Nah, just seen the sign on my to camp," Kaitlyn answered.

Hayden nodded—she and Nick had seen the sign as well. Nick had joked that was where Mr. Hackett disposed the bodies instead of in the woods while Hayden slapped his arm, trying to stifle her laughter at the bad, morbid joke.

Now, she'd give anything to hear Nick crack a joke, terribly morbid or otherwise, again.

You will. Allison will kill the werewolf that bit him, and you'll get Nick back, Hayden reminded herself, the thought bolstering her determination.

A noise sounded, making Hayden pause and turn around, Kaitlyn and Dylan doing the same, scanning the woods for a werewolf. But none came as Hayden realised the noise was a bird, her heart rate calming slightly.

"What if we just... like... walk to the main road?" Dylan suggested.

Hayden sighed. "Dylan."


"This isn't the main road?" Kaitlyn asked, cutting Hayden off from her saying they'd run the risk of being prey to werewolves further the longer they were in the woods, main road or not.

"No, this is all Hackett property. The main road is another mile that way," Dylan explained.

Looking around her, Hayden remarked, "That sounds pretty convenient for the werewolves."

"Yeah. Wait, how do I know so much more about everything than you do?" Dylan asked Kaitlyn sarcastically.

"That'd be a first," Hayden quipped. Dylan shot a look at her and she just innocently smiled at him.

"Shut up. So basically it's another hour walk to the main road, and then at least another three to four hours until we hit the nearest... whatever?" Kaitlyn questioned.

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