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Chapter Twenty: The Eyepatch Lady

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Chapter Twenty: The Eyepatch Lady

(Prayers By Night, Part 3)



That was all that filled the pool house after Nick's and Sarah's terrifying transformations aside from the rain and thunder of the storm outside and the near-quiet drip of Hayden's blood from the three, long claw marks on her left arm onto the pool house floor, everyone too stunned and frozen to say or do anything for several long minutes, trying to comprehend what had just happened, what Nick and Sarah had turned into.

What they'd become.

Until Nora breathed, "I killed Sarah. I killed..."

Nora clapped a bloody hand over her mouth, horror stark in her face, letting out a pained noise.

"I shot him," Hayden whispered through numb lips, body shaking. "I shot Nick. I shot my brother. I shot Nick and he... he turned into that. Nick turned into a..."

A sob silenced her words, Hayden pressing the knuckles of her non-injured hand against her mouth, horror and despair trembling through her. Nick was gone, he'd turned into a monster and had disappeared, her brother, her twin, her other half, was gone.

He was gone.

Hayden felt arms wrap around—Allison—and Hayden clung onto her, shaking as she felt Allison trembling under her, heard her stifle her tears, her grief, over Nick, as behind her Abi pulled Nora into a hug as the curly-haired girl sobbed.

Soon, too soon, Allison pulled away as she tore off a strip of her shirt, exposing her midriff as she wrapped it around Hayden's injured arm, Hayden wincing in pain when the fabric made contact with the diagonal wounds striped across her flesh—wounds Nick had left, wounds the monster her brother had turned into left her. Never in any world would Hayden or Nick himself ever imagine he'd hurt her, but that creature her brother had become had, and that rattled Hayden more than anything.

That the monster was stronger than Nick's love for her.

When Allison was done, Hayden decided to stand up, Allison helping her, before something grabbed her, the wrapped-up stump telling Hayden it was Dylan, holding her as he whispered quietly so only she could hear, "I'm sorry, Hayden. That was... fuck. I'm sorry."

Hayden swallowed, her non-injured hand clutching Dylan's arm tightly.

"I killed her. I killed the woman I love," Nora sobbed at the same Hayden whispered hoarsely, "I nearly killed him. I... I would have killed him, and it was me or him, and I would have killed my brother, my twin brother, if he hadn't.."

A shuddering breath cut off her words as she clutched Dylan's arm tighter, despair yawning wide inside her.

"I mean... dead people don't usually jump out of windows and run into the forest," Kaitlyn said, trying to be assuring.

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