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Chapter Forty-One: The Doctor

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Chapter Forty-One: The Doctor

(Ending, Part 4)


They were going to get arrested.

That was the only thing running through Hayden's head. They were all going to get arrested, despite the evidence, despite what they said. The cops didn't believe them and wouldn't anyway even if they directly said werewolves were responsible, they were all heading to jail.

Hayden breathed in and out shakily, watching as the cops walked around, as the government agents and the Delgados watched them, Dr. Delgado giving them all a kind smile, as if trying to assure them everything would be okay.

Hayden highly doubted that. That, after last night, they'd be truly okay.

"If only the van had been working, maybe we might..." Abi mumbled, looking as terrified as Hayden felt.

At that, Emma looked again at Jacob and hissed, "Tell them, Jacob."

"What? Tell us what?" Kaitlyn demanded.

Jacob looked away, eyes shuttering with guilt as he said, "I... I didn't intend for any of last night to happen."

Something cold slithered into Hayden's bloodstream as Laura and Max looked confused while steadily growing realisation dawned on Kaitlyn's face as she said, "Oh Jacob. You didn't."

"I... I just wanted one more night with Emma. One more chance. Stupid now, I know, but I just..." Jacob sighed, guilt wracking his features as a roaring filled Hayden's ears right before Jacob confessed, "I took the rotor arm from the van and left us stuck here."

Dead silence. Then,

"Are you fucking kidding me?!"

That came from Nora, who glared fire and brimstone at Jacob as Ryan yelled, "Dude! What the fuck?!"

"What the hell were you thinking, Jacob?!" Kaitlyn shouted. "That hypothetical back at the van... God, you asshole!"

"Seriously man, what the actual fuck?!" Dylan exclaimed.

"You're the reason we were stuck here and Nick, Emma and I were bitten and turned into werewolves?!" Sarah yelled, temper flaring.

"I got turned into a monster and nearly killed my sister and the girl I love because you left us stuck here!" Nick yelled, Allison pressing a hand against his chest, as if to calm him down—only to whirl on Jacob, fire spitting from her eyes.

"We nearly died several times last night! Ryan would have died if it weren't for infection! Dylan lost his hand and Abi will never walk properly again and will have a limp for the rest of her life, and so will you if you don't lose that foot! We're now being accused of murder after what we did to survive and save everyone infected! And it could have all been avoided if you never fucking messed with the van just to restart something that had thoroughly ended?! That's what you're saying?! Are for fucking real?!" Allison screeched.

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