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Chapter One: Summer Goodbyes

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Chapter One: Summer Goodbyes...

(Hackett's Quarry Forever)


If there had to be two things Hayden Furcillo was looking forward to the most when she got back home from spending the summer as a Hackett's Quarry camp counsellor, it was the ocean and the warbling sound of magpies singing in the morning.

Sure, there was the lake, and there was birdsong, but it wasn't the same to Hayden. The lake, while impressive, couldn't compare to the endless expanse of the ocean and the roar of the waves crashing mercilessly against the beach, and while the birdsong was nice, there was nothing quite like a magpie's song, greeting her in the morning when she woke up, a constant in her life that Hayden didn't know she would miss until she would find herself here, on the other side of the world and missing the music of waves and magpies, missing the chance to surf in the ocean and spy the whales migrating up the coast in winter and hear the noise of crickets in summer, missing her friends and her family, missing even all her uni assignments waiting for her when she got back.

Missing home.

At least Nick and I are going home today, Hayden thought as she looked out the window of the dining hall in the lodge, a cup of hot chocolate—so what if it was summer here, back home it was still winter and Hayden had been craving hot chocolate for two months—a slice of toast covered in butter and Vegemite she'd smuggled with her along with... other things lying on a plate in front of her, and the sunrise painting the sky in fantastical colours. We'll be catching waves like we'd never left.

"Uh-oh, Hayden up at six. Never a good sign."

Hayden rolled her eyes as she turned to her brother, seeing the smirk on his face. "You caught me. I was plotting your murder over toast and hot chocolate."

"Toast and hot chocolate, huh?"

"Better than Weet-Bix, you weirdo."

Nick flung his arms out, a grin on his face. "Hey, what can I say? Look at the results."

Hayden rolled her eyes again, fighting and failing to hide her smirk.

"No, but seriously, why are up so early, Hay?" Nick questioned, sliding to sit beside her.

"Just contemplating that this is our last day here. That tomorrow, we'll be back home," Hayden answered, looking down as she admitted, "That, and I miss the ocean and hearing the magpies every morning."

"You know it's gonna be heading into swooping season when we get back, right?" Nick reminded, eyebrow raised.

"I know," Hayden replied, a devious grin on her face. "But they're not gonna get me as long as you're around."

"Are you saying I'm your human shield?"

"I never said human shield," Hayden pointed out, grin widening as Nick threw her a glare, before it faded as he said, "You're right. I miss home, too. I miss Mum and Dad, and Danny. And I miss being able to surf."

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