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Chapter Eleven: Finding Nick

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Chapter Eleven: Finding Nick

(Trouble In Paradise, Part 3)


The fire crackled merrily, the only thing with mirth after what had happened with the disastrous truth or dare.

Hayden eyed the forest, her anger at her brother now having bled out and replaced with worry. It was a game, and Sarah probably didn't know Emma would choose Nick over Jacob. But Hayden could hardly care about that, not when any of the people who ran into the woods hadn't returned—not when Nick hadn't returned. Each minute that passed without him coming back, his usual easy smile on his face and assurance he was fine, was a minute that felt like agony for Hayden, that felt like she lost more pieces of her soul the longer Nick was missing.

He was her twin, the other half of her. Hayden felt incomplete with him gone, like a piece of her had gone missing with him, the loss sharp within her, never to be healed until Nick was back, their halves made whole once more.

It was probably stupid and yet... and yet...

Hayden twirled the empty beer bottle in her hand, eyes still on the dark shadows of the forest as if one would materialise into Nick, before she heard something—howling.

Hayden frowned. Wolves? She thought there were no wolves here. But any excitement she might have felt at hearing wolf howls wasn't there, worry in place of it—and fear.

If Nick, Allison, Sarah or Abi ran into a pack of wolves...

No, they were fine. They had to be fine—Nick had to be fine. She'd feel it if he was hurt or... or dead, like some part of her had died with him. Right?


"That was some mighty fine social disruption Sarah did there, I have to say."

Dylan's voice snared Hayden out of her thoughts as she forced herself to refocus on those who were still there—Dylan, Ryan, Kaitlyn and Nora, who'd also been looking at the woods in worry for her girlfriend and her friend. Hayden tried to give her a comforting smile.

"Ah, or was it just the nudge that Allison needed?" Kaitlyn countered.

Ryan snorted. "Sarah's an evil genius, then."

"Didn't you guys see Allison's face? And Sarah's? That was not what she intended—she must feel like crap saying that dare," Nora reminded, eyes flicking back to the woods. "I hope Nick apologised to Allison."

"If he didn't, I'll kick his ass," Hayden muttered, but the bite in the words was dulled by the worry as she looked at the woods. "God, I hope they're okay. I hope they're almost back."

"Me too," Nora murmured, grabbing Hayden's hand. She held it back, squeezing it in comfort as they looked at the woods.

Fire crackling and Dylan's laughter filled the silence before Dylan questioned, "Who do you think is gonna make the first move? Nick or Allison?"

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