Chapter 27: Something New

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"I'd love to." 


As evening approached, we decided to go to Wings of Freedom for a casual dinner and drinks. It wasn't too far from where we had been spending the day anyways. We drove in comfortable silence on the way. That was one thing I really appreciated about Levi. He never felt the need to fill the air with conversation constantly. We were just able to appreciate each others company. 

When we got there, I was pleasantly surprised to find that it wasn't as busy as I thought it would be. He was able to find a parking spot close by and got out quickly when we parked. To my utter surprise, he came around to my door as I was grabbing my things and pulled it open. I couldn't help but freeze in shock when a hand suddenly was extended to my face. I stuttered to regain my composure as he waited patiently for me to take it. My hand cautiously slid into his and he grasped me firmly to pull me up. His hand was warm, warmer than I had ever felt before. I barely noticed that my heart was racing. A glance at his face revealed nothing. His features were stoic. I tore my glance away to hide my spreading smile. 

Levi closed the door behind us and led me by the hand into the bar. He took me inside and greeted a few coworkers before finding a quiet spot. There was a patio with heaters in the back that was empty. I never even noticed there was one before. The music from the bar was quieter out here. Once I was sat, he went to order a few things for us and I was left to my thoughts. When he came back, he was carrying an appetizer and two drinks. He placed them skillfully in front of me then took his spot across the table. Levi gestured for me to grab my drink as he did his own, before raising it towards me in a toast, 

"To something new." He said, those piercing eyes boring into me with something I hadn't seen in him before. I smiled and clinked my glass carefully with his own, 

"To something new." I lifted the drink to my lips with him and I almost didn't catch his eyes dart to my lips for the quickest moment. My stomach flipped and I focused on my drink, struggling to control my nerves. I never thought about kissing Levi before, but in the moment, it was hard to think of anything but that. Throughout the day, his hair had slowly become more disheveled and it only added to his attractiveness. His hair framed his eyes and made them stand out even more than usual. It felt like I was under a microscope the way his gaze dragged over me. A wave of heat crashed over me so I did my best to keep myself occupied with my drink. 

- Time skip - 

After we had eaten and finished our first drinks, we started up a casual conversation. Levi had brought me a second drink at one point and I was shocked with how smooth it was. Most bars either water it down or practically drown you in alcohol. But this drink was perfectly blended, and I could tell with the way Levi was watching me, that me had made it himself. 

"What do you think?" he asked me expectantly, his chin resting on his palm. I licked my lips to get the last taste of my sip and thought for a moment.

"It's amazing. I still have no idea how you got so good at making these." He looked satisfied to some degree and relaxed. 


I set down my drink and turned my eyes to him. "You know, I still don't know a lot about you Levi."

"What is there to know? I don't do much." He shrugged my eagerness to learn more about him away once again. I frowned.

"If we are going to get anywhere, you're going to have to start opening up to me a little." 

His careful exterior seemed to crack a little at my pressure. I knew he was stubborn about sharing personal details but I hardly knew anything about before I met him. I was desperate. I reached my hand out with my palm facing up towards him, a gesture that echoed last nights events we had yet to speak of. His eyes were locked onto my outstretched hand, waiting. Finally, he took it.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 25 ⏰

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