Chapter 10: So Close

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I squeezed my eyes shut and felt a small smile reach my lips. My breath was held and awaited impact...
S L A M !
The impact was quick and painless. Everything was dark.

Why didn't I move? It was probably the stupidest thing I could've done in the moment. I guess it didn't matter now...

But I could still feel my heart pounding in my chest. I was 80% sure I wasn't dead. Sounds suddenly started to become apparent. And it was dark because my eyes were closed. My mind felt blank. That is until things began to click.

There had been a car coming directly towards me but I was still alive. Something had pulled violently on my arm and the impact I experienced was slamming into a body, hard. Then they pulled me away and enclosed me in a protective embrace. Their arms were tight, almost suffocating. I was so close.

Finally my lungs released the air they'd been holding for far too long. The sweet oxygen filled me and I started to become functional once more. My face was buried in their jacket and the scent of a woodsy cologne filled my nose. I could feel the quick rise and fall of their breathing.

"Holy fuck..." he whispered in shock. I finally managed to open my eyes and look around. I shifted my head to see who was holding me, though I had a pretty good guess. Levi was staring out at something. I saw his eyes. They were wide and filled with anger. His raven hair fell over them in a brooding way and his jaw was clenched. I followed his gaze slowly to see the car that had been about to hit me. It had swerved off the road and crashed into a pole. I could see that the driver was okay besides a few cuts. He was incredibly lucky. He rubbed his head and looked up, spotting me. He looked extremely concerned, though he dare not come over just yet.

"L-Levi?" I asked hoarsely. His head whipped away from what he had been staring at to look down at me.

"_-_____," he exhaled, barely able to form a sentence at first, "a-are you okay? Hurt? Anything?" Levi's voice was strained. I didn't answer as my glazed-over e/c eyes reached the spot I had been standing. It had been so close. Right in that spot is where it all could've been taken from me. I started to shake and my eyes began to brim with tears. I grabbed the black sleeves of his jacket in a weak hold. His arms tightened around me and I put my head on his chest. "_____ it's alright. I've got you." he murmured. My mind whispered to get away from the street so I did, towards Levi. I shuffled closer and I felt Levi shudder slightly.

There were many onlookers shouting and recording with their phones. Someone was on the phone with the police. I got a glance over Levi's arm to see the cafe doors open and several people staring down the street at the commotion.

After a few moments together, my breathing calmed and I pulled away from Levi. His eyes didn't leave mine. The driver of the car finally worked up the courage to approach.

"E-excuse me..." the man began. I turned to look at him. Levi also turned and gave the driver a look that would frighten Death himself. "I am so so sorry! I lost control." The man looked overwhelmed with guilt and fear.

I stepped towards him and put a hand on his arm, "Are you okay?" I asked quietly, still shaken. He gasped and smiled,

"Yes I'm okay. What I'm concerned with is your state." the man's eyes traveled to behind me and he took a step back, "I'm just going to call the insurance company to deal with my car. You aren't hurt right? I can pay for anything that's happened to you."

I gave him a small smile, "N-no. I'm alright." He glanced back behind me again and took another step away.

"I-I'm gonna g-go." he now directed his words to the pissed man behind me, "Sir I-I sincerely hope everything is okay. Here's my n-number in case your g-girlfriend is hurt." He handed Levi a small piece of paper and speed walked away. I was left blushing.

"Tch. ______." I heard him say. I quickly composed myself and turned to face him, "Are you sure you're alright?" he asked me sternly. I nodded. I was alright physically but mentally I was reeling. My legs felt like jelly. I wasn't sure if I could walk. Levi grabbed my hand and walked me slowly the rest of the way to his car. The sleek black car sat patiently on the curb as we approached. I sat in the passengers seat and stared straight ahead. Levi sat in the drivers seat and glanced at me before starting the car.

We drove in total silence for a while. It allowed me to think about everything. My leg bounced up and down rapidly, trying to shake off the anxiety. Then I felt a warm hand on my leg. Levi had placed it there to calm me. My eyes traveled to his face but he didn't look away from the road ahead of him. He also looked slightly uncomfortable. I sighed and was finally able to calm down.

Halfway through the drive, my phone buzzed in my pocket. On my screen was a text from Eren:

Eren: You never told me how your night out went! Sorry I haven't talked in a while, lots of stuff going on ;P

I began to reply,

Me: Hey um, I'll call you in a little bit ok?

Eren: Did something happen??

Me: Call you in a little bit...

Eren: .....okay, ______...

I turned off my phone and looked up to find we were at a red light, almost to my apartment. Without looking at Levi, I began to speak,



"I-I don't really have words to describe how I feel about what you've done for me..." I started, "But what I can manage is... thank you. Thank you for saving my life." I turned to him finally. To my surprise, I found his blue-gray eyes watching me. "I can't believe your reflexes were so fast. If you hadn't saved me, I wouldn't be sitting in this car right no-"

"Don't say shit like that!" he suddenly said harshly. I jumped in surprise and my e/c eyes were wide.


"Don' like that... please." his knuckles were white as he gripped the steering wheel, "You're alive and that's what's important. We don't need to think about what could have been. What matters is what it is now." Levi spoke in a low, sharp tone through clenched teeth. The way he expressed his thoughts revealed something deeper within him. There was something going on, I was sure of it. But I stayed quiet for the remainder of the drive.

The car rolled to a stop in front of my apartment and I hesitated before stepping out.

"Levi." He looked at me and I stared him down, "It's alright." I said simply. His eyes opened up a little more. "I'm here and I don't plan on going anywhere. Not yet." I held his gaze a few moments longer. "Anyways, thank you."

"Are you going to be okay?" He asked. It was the first time I heard him express true concern for me.

"I think so."

He couldn't seem to formulate a response after that. I stepped out of the car and closed the door. I began to walk away but stopped when I didn't hear the car drive away. My head turned and I saw Levi sitting in his seat looking at his steering wheel, seemingly lost in thought. I watched until he managed to snap out of whatever he had been lost in and drive away.

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