Chapter 17: The First Night

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It was about time for me to leave for work. Before heading back downstairs to leave, I peeked into ______'s room. She was laying ontop of the bed asleep. The look of distress still settled into her features. I couldn't imagine how much stress she had been through the last few days. I'd be annoyed if I was in her position. I left her a note in the kitchen about where to find certain things, then left for work.


I never realized how deathly silent the world was at 2 in the morning. Then again, I'd never really stopped to listen. I sat on the ledge with my window wide open. No screen was between myself and the open air. The street was black like the seemingly starless night. The sky was hidden by clouds.

"It must be planning to rain." I muttered to no one. I could hear nothing except the occasional faint rustle of leaves. Though it was almost spring, the world felt ice cold. My worn sweatpants ruffled in the frequent breeze and my over sized shirt allowed the air to slide beneath it and caress my skin. Yet not a single goosebump made an appearance on my skin. I was tired but couldn't fall asleep. My stomach growled softly. I had fallen asleep before eating. But I didn't feel like getting something. Instead I gazed into the dark. It felt like I was the last person on Earth, and for a moment I believed it. Until a car drove down the road and slowly pulled into the driveway below me. I watched as Levi got out and stretched, then he looked up at me.

I didn't move as he approached the house stepped inside. I could hear his footsteps on the stairs, and then they stopped in front of my door.

"_____?" Levi said on the other side. I didn't respond, hoping he would go away. But he knew I was awake. Suddenly his voice was much closer, "You can't keep me out in my own house." I jumped and almost fell out the window. I grabbed the sides to keep from falling. My heart was pounding in my chest. I wasn't expecting him to be so near so quickly and I never heard the door open. My hand was on my chest and I turned to face him. Levi sat on the bed and looked at me. "It's freezing."

"I'm not cold."

"You really shouldn't sit on an open windowsill like that. It may give people the wrong idea." he said. He had a point. I reluctantly closed it but remained in my seat on the sill. There was silence for a moment and then he continued, "Why are you awake so early?" I stared into the night.

"Don't want to sleep." my voice was monotone and I didn't face him.

"You heard what I said today." he stated randomly. I felt my muscles stiffen. I reluctantly turned my head towards him. His expression was covered in shadow so I couldn't make it out.

"Maybe I did."


"I don't know."

"Don't play dumb. I'll forgive you for eavesdropping if you explain to me what's going on." his voice was commanding. I flinched and anger rose in my chest.

"I don't know." My voice was raising.

"Tell me." He asked again.

"Look, I'm not experienced with any of this. I'm exhausted. I don't know how to deal with Erens jealousy when I don't think he even has anything to be jealous of. I'm not even supposed to be here. I don't know what to do about how I'm feeling. I just don't want to lose anyone." I shouted. My face was hot with frustration. My eyes had slightly adjusted to my dark room and I could barely make out his face. Levi's eyes widened a little and he clenched his jaw.

"Well like it or not, you are here. And I think you should just make the best of it until you find somewhere else. But I'm sorry." he said. Now it was my turn to be surprised.

"What?" I whispered. Levi stood from the bed and stared into me.

"I'm sorry for yelling at him today. It probably made things worse. I will take responsibility for that."

"I'm not really upset about that. You put him in his place. I just don't know how to move forward." I confessed.

"Rest on it. Maybe we can talk about it tomorrow." He suggested. It was a kind gesture. The last thing I expected was him offering emotional help. He left my room without another word, closing the door behind him.

I fell onto the bed and groaned. When I rolled over to take a breath, I could see the trees sway outside, almost like a beckon to open the window and listen to their whispers. But I didn't.

"You won't have to worry about me for long, Levi." I said aloud. Despite the early hours, I grabbed my phone and texted Hanji about the situation.

Me: are you awake

H: yup

Me: can we talk a little?

I sent the text and she instantly called me.

"What's up my love?" She said, quite awake, into the phone.

"Can I ask something of you?" I began.


"If I ever need to, could I stay at your place? Just you know, in case this crush thing becomes a bit too much to handle for the moment." It was a weird question but I knew she understood what I meant.

"You're welcome to come over whenever you'd like." I could hear her smile in her voice. I relaxed into the bed a bit more.

"What a first night." I mumbled sarcastically into the blankets.

"I think you know as well as I do that he can be a real dick sometimes. But he doesn't always mean the things he says in the way he says them. He means well, deep down. ______, Levi's a person who is very closed off and trusts almost no one completely. He's had... a rough past. Even that's a bit of an understatement."
There was a pause as she thought, "The best way to get to know him is to kind of work your way in. And once you're finally there, you realize it was worth it." She took in a breath before finishing, "Anyways, if you ever need to come here for a few nights, that's fine. But you can always change your mind if something comes up."I laughed and let out a breath.

"Thank you Hanji." We hung up soon after and the room was quiet again. I stared at the ceiling thinking back to her words. I still couldn't believe I was in his house. But I found comfort knowing I had an escape if I ever needed one. The word "living" along with "Levi" made my stomach flip.

I'd almost forgot about that little factor. But after the excitement of the day had died down, it took that as an invitation to come back full swing.

How am I ever going to survive in here.


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