Chapter 3: Surprises

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I woke up around 2:30am, an old habit. Mikasa was in her room asleep and Armin was in the guest bedroom. I quietly crept down the hall to find Eren playing a shooter game with headphones on. I sat down on the couch as he looked over at me and silently watched him play for a while. An hour later I tapped his shoulder and he paused the game. He nodded and stood up.

We silently drove to my house and once I changed into my uniform and did my morning routine, Eren dropped me off at work with perfect timing. I waved him off with a goodbye and a thank you.

It was still pretty dark since it was early morning. We opened so early because most people had to leave for their job at this time and needed a nice coffee to wake them up. I had the early shift today which involved opening up the cafe and I got to leave around lunch.

When I walked into the shop, the small bell on the door chimed cheerfully. A woman popped her head up from behind the counter. Her brown hair was tied back in a ponytail and her glasses were resting on the bridge of her nose.

"Helloooooo ______!" she shouted way too loudly for the time of day. Hanji Zoë was the most lively of us all and she was great with the customers. Unfortunately she'd been out for a few days because of a bad sickness but now that she was here we could get things done faster. Hanji used to be a professor of science until she decided to go for something more mellow. Though she still immersed herself in science every now and then, she worked full time at the cafe. Hanji was also a close friend of mine, super friendly and crazy. She had a way of lifting everyone's spirits.

"Hey Hanji." I breathed, shaking off my initial surprise. "Are you feeling better?" She nodded, causing her ponytail to bob.

"Ready for the day?"

"As ready as I'll ever be." Hanji made her way out from behind the counter and patted my shoulder.

So our day began. No other employees showed their faces but I heard noises and clanging in the kitchen so I knew they were here. Hanji and I wiped down tables together and then we split into separate chores. I wrote down today's message on the chalkboard and Hanji went to help set tables. The weather today was still cold but there were no clouds. Soon enough it was opening and the customers began to trickle in like they usually do.

*TIME SKIP brought to you by a warm cup of coffee*

Later I met up with Hanji again. She sighed and leaned into me.

"I wonder if Levi will come in today... I've been begging him to come see me at work and he never does..." she muttered under her breath. Now that woke me up a bit more. I straightened up.


Hanji looked at me. "Oh, yeah he's a good friend of Erwin and I." My eyes widened even more.

"You and Erwin are good friends with Levi?" I asked in awe. She looked at me in surprise.

"You know him??"

"Well...not really. But he came in yesterday..." I said quietly looking at the ground. When I finally glanced back at her, I was taken aback at her gaze. She was staring right at me with eyes narrowed. A devilish grin spread onto her face and she raised her eyebrows.

"Oh???" Her smile widened. "You think he's cute or something?" Hanji said lowly. The rush of heat to my face was almost an immediate reaction and my (e/c) eyes widened in embarrassment. My brain was also completely baffled by this statement that it could barely form a functioning sentence.

"What the hell do you mean?"I stammered. "I barely talked to him! And besides he seems rude anyways. Not my type. No." I stiffened my posture and turned away. I could hear her chuckle behind me and I got irritated.

"____," Hanji began but I walked away before she could continue. On my way out I passed Erwin who was seemingly heading to meet Hanji. I looked over my shoulder to see Hanji lean into Erwin and whisper something to him and he nodded in response. Then he looked in my direction! A feeling of anxiety kicked me in the gut but I went on anyways. I found my way to the cash register and things carried on as normal.

But soon enough Erwin approached me and I straightened up.

"Good morning sir." I greeted.

"_____ what shift do work today?" he asked. I was stunned for a moment because it was such a random question.

"Uh the morning shift. I leave later after lunch." I replied. The question silently humored me since he was the one who scheduled me. He nodded and turned to Hanji who had somehow appeared next to him. She looked disappointed. But then something clicked in her mind and she gasped. Erwin leaned down as she told him something and he nodded. Then she ran away without another word. "You and Hanji are pretty close huh?" I remarked.

"Well yeah. I mean...she is my girlfriend..." he said kind of quietly. It took me a minute to process what he said.

"Wait.. WHAT? HANJI NEVER TOLD ME SHE WAS DATING YOU!" I exclaimed. He was taken aback at my surprise and rubbed his neck.

"Hah yeah. I guess it kinda slips her mind."

"How long?"

"Almost a year now."

"Oh my..." I shook my head in disbelief. Hanji was a close friend of mine. I can't believe she forgot to tell me. And shame on me for not noticing it with my boss of all people.

I paused before I changed the subject, "What does she keep whispering about?"

"Don't worry about it _____. Oh hey it's about that time so go ahead and go on your break now." He said with a smile.

He avoided the question very quickly and changed the subject. I sighed and walked away with my thoughts. I knew it had something to do with me. Through out the morning Hanji had been throwing me glances of delight. I found my booth empty once again and I bought a blended drink to wake me up. People keeping things from me made me even more irritated. My sleepiness had begun to take full effect now at the worst time. It was my fault though because I had gotten up early and watched Eren play his game. And the morning rush added on to it.

Hanji still hadn't come back. But I tried not to think about it to the best of my ability. The calm ambiance of the cafe helped me relax slightly. Until...

The cafe door chimed. I heard Hanji laugh.

"Come on lazy ass!" she chuckled as she pulled someone with her into the cafe. They were clearly resisting.

"I was just here yesterday do I really need to come here again?" I heard a stern voice reply. I felt like I knew it.

"Becauuuuuse I'm working today and I want you to socialize! You never come to visit me at work. As your best friend, you have to."

"I don't need to-" he began to protest but Hanji stopped him with a "Shut up."

I looked up and I couldn't believe my eyes. Hanji was standing in the doorway staring directly at me with an enormous grin. On her arm was an irritated Levi with his icy gray eyes looking about the cafe. Then they rested on me and he raised an eyebrow in curiosity.


I hope you're liking it so far 0w<

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