Chapter 14: Horror

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"So where are you taking me?" I managed to ask after a few minutes of comfortable silence.

"I thought we should see a movie." He told me simply.

"A .. a movie?" I stuttered. He nodded. Isn't that what dates are like? This isn't a date though! I could feel my face start to get warm so I tried to focus on something else. But it didn't seem to do anything. "What movie?"

"I didn't read much about it. It's a horror movie though." Levi replied.

"....what?" I froze. He didn't reply at first. When he did speak, I could hear slight amusement in his voice.

"Yeah it's rated R. Something about a bunch of jump scares." I could hear slight teasing in his voice.

I clenched my teeth and I felt my heart beat faster. First we were just going to see a movie together but now it was a horror movie? That made me nervous. This whole thing felt a bit cliché.

We pulled up to the small shopping mall were movie theater resided and my jitters got even worse. He stepped out and waited for me to get out. He knocked on the window and I jumped. When I stepped out, he gave me a strange look.

"What?" I questioned but was not given a response. He looked away and approached the ticket booth. The pretty woman behind the glass looked Levi over with a flirtatious glint in her eye. Then her eyes traveled to behind him where I stood. The flirtatiousness evolved into disgust. Well then...that was subtle.

In her most sweet voice, she turned her attention back to Levi and said, "Hello sir, how may I help you?" I also noticed she bit her lip a little. Ew. I mentally facepalmed at my slight internal jealousy and tried to remain as normal as possible. My mind trailed off into its thoughts until I felt Levi shake my shoulder a little.

"We got tickets, lets go." he was watching me along with the employee. He led the way and I could feel the woman's eyes following me. I shook it off and continued as normal. I was pretty sure he got that kind of attention all the time. It seemed like it would get annoying after a while. I sighed and suddenly noticed he was crumpling a piece of paper in his hand.

"What's that?" I tried to get a glimpse of it but it was tight in his fist. He then approached a trashcan and threw it in with out a second thought.

"That lady gave her number." Levi rolled his eyes and, without my knowledge, peeked at me to see my reaction. A few emotions made their appearance when he said that. I felt happy and also a little worried. If I ever wanted to confess to him, would he treat me the same way he did that woman? And if he rejected her then he would most certainly reject me. She was far more pretty than I was. "Oi," Levi said suddenly.

"Huh? Yes?" I looked up at him.

"Stop thinking. We're here to see a movie."

"Uh okay." I giggled slightly.

~Time Skip to sitting in front of the screen~

"Levi we're a little close to the screen...." I noticed.

"These are good seats. If you get scared then close your eyes and cover your ears or something." he brushed me off.

"I'm not going to be scared." I muttered under my breath. I was more trying to convince myself that this wasn't a date.

"Hm? What was that, brat?" he leaned down and I became tense. He was close.

Only His {Levi x Reader Modern AU} [BEING REWRITTEN]Where stories live. Discover now