Chapter 9: Slam

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~Two weeks later~

Work had been the same as always. The only noticeable difference was now, Levi stopped by more often and things became a little more interesting. But there was the girl with a messy ponytail and glasses who always tried to make a joke or not-so-slyly hint at Levi asking me out. Levi usually shut her down or brushed her off while I could only muster an awkward laugh. What else could I do? We had reluctantly become something like friends. But after Hanji's house, she would constantly tease me,

"So when you seeing Levi again?"

"Did he ask you out yet?"

"You guys are so cute!"

And more nonsense like that. It was exhausting. But I knew she was just teasing so I didn't let it offend me. Not to say it wasn't getting tired. This morning I arrived to work and she grinned at me.

"Can I help you Hanji?" I asked dryly, waiting for something related to Levi. She shrugged and sighed,

"Nah I was just thinking about how I get to see my OTP today."

"And who might that be?" I asked though I damn well knew what she was talking about.

"Oh ______, it's a Friday. And that means Levi is coming in today." I hadn't realized he had a schedule. "And he should be coming in around 3."  she added.

Now that baffled me, "Hanji how do you know what time he's coming in?" I asked. She stared at me like I had just told her I hated my job, which she knew very well I did not.

"Have you even been paying attention??" she gawked.

"Um...apparently not...?" I somewhat asked. She rolled her eyes and put her hand on her hip,

"Levi comes in every Friday around 3 o'clock to get a black tea and it usually has caffeine to keep him alert for working late. And he usually stays until around closing." she stated matter of factually. I raised my eyebrows,

"Are you sure that's not creepy? You seem to be oddly knowing of his whole schedule. Do you stalk him or something?" She snorted a laugh,

"No I just pay attention."

"A little too much attention..."

"Becaaaause I have to know everything about my OTP." she beamed. I cringed at that phrase.

"Stop calling us that."

"Not until I'm proven wrong." she sounded so sure of herself which spooked me.

"It won't happen." I stepped past her to help set tables. She didn't say anything else.

The day flew by and I found myself staring at the clock, 2:55pm. I was curious to see if Hanji was right. Would Levi walk in right at 3? It seemed a little strange but I waited nevertheless.

Right as the clock hit 3, the jingle rang. I shivered and slowly turned my head to see who'd walked in. My eyes widened as I took in Levi walking to the counter. I don't think he was intentionally on the dot, but it was creepy nonetheless.

"Holy shit." I whispered under my breath. I could feel Hanji staring at me so I decided to humor her and meet her eyes. As I expected, her face read, "I told you so." along with a smile. I turned to Levi next, "Right on time." I greeted. He gave me a questioning look so I explained.

Afterwards he only rolled his eyes and I smiled in agreement. What a joke.

"You know what I want, right?" he asked blandly.

"The sweetest drink we have of course."

He shook his head, "You need to work on your humor."

"Look who that's coming from." I remarked as I inputted his real order. I took the card he held in his hand for the transaction. Levi had his tea in no time and I was occupying myself with wiping the counter. Erwin approached behind me and patted my shoulder,

"You've worked hard today and we have enough help here. You can go home now if you wish." I smiled at him and thanked him. I had been working a lot more lately and getting off early sounded heavenly. I had also become sorta friends with Erwin too. It made coming to work even more enjoyable. I folded my apron and placed it in the back where it belonged as always and headed out to the table where Levi was.

"Hey." I greeted casually. He looked up from his phone,

"What do you need?" I smiled, not offended by his harsh welcome.

"Just thought I'd say goodbye on my way out." He turned off his phone and cleared his throat.

"Do you want to take a seat for a moment?" He gestured to the empty chair across from him.

"Sure why not. I have to wait for the next bus anyways." I sat down. "How was your tea today?"

"Passable." was all he said. I frowned with disappointment. He didn't add anything else. He glanced away and returned to his drink. I sighed and hummed to myself, watching the bustle of people in the cafe. After a little while, I checked the time and realized it was time to go. Levi looked at me.

"Are you going home?" He asked. I nodded. "Well I'm done with my tea. I guess I'll just walk with you." He grabbed the empty cup in front of him and put his phone in his pocket. I waved goodbye to Hanji and she returned it. Once outside, I took in a deep breath of the crisp air and stretched.

"Well, I'll see you next time then." I looked towards Levi who was adjusting his coat.

"You said you're taking the bus?" He asked me somewhat hesitantly. I shrugged and began to face forward again.

"As usual, right?" I stretched once more. Then I heard Levi shuffle his feet.

"I...I can drive you today. Only because I need to head up that way." he offered.

"Oh...uh no... You don't need to do that." I held my hands up and smiled. He rolled his steel eyes and reached out to me.

"Just accept the offer, idiot. I know that bus isn't pleasant." He wasn't entirely wrong. I definitely had some bad days on that bus. It took me a moment to understand what was happening but when I did it was too late. Levi had grabbed my wrist and started pulling me. "Whoa wait! Levi stop I don't need a ride!" I exclaimed, trying to resist. Unfortunately for me he was incredibly strong. "It's not necessary!" I tried again.

"Too bad." he said in a monotone voice. I exaggerated a sigh and let him pull me. It was no use fighting when I knew this was the better option.


I surprised myself. It felt strange acting like a friend instead of cold like I do to Hanji. ______ had stopped resisting and I led her peacefully. When we arrived to the crosswalk across from where my car was parked, I let go of her hand. I glanced over my shoulder to check if she'd left. She was still there, fiddling with something on her (f/c) jacket. The light changed to walk and I tapped ______ on the shoulder to notify her. She looked up at me with her deep (e/c) eyes, then at the crosswalk. We began to travel once again.

I had a faster gait than the girl and reached the other side of the street before she did. I turned around and saw she was still a ways behind on the crosswalk, more than half way across. But then the worst happened. A car came barreling down the street at insane speeds. It didn't look like it was going to stop. It ran the red light and everything began to swim in slow motion. (#twilightmoment) The blood red sports car screeched like a banshee, trying desperately to slow down. Everyone watching knew that was impossible. My blood ran cold as I made the connection that ______ was still on the crosswalk....and she was in the direct path of the rampaging vehicle.


Horns and tires squealing filled my ears and my mind. I lifted my head and stared at the car approaching. My mind screamed to run but my body wouldn't comply. I was frozen in horror.

This was it.

The car was going too fast to stop in time. I was almost to the sidewalk. So close. I turned my head and made eye contact with the man who'd been waiting for me. The ice in his eyes had cracked and they exposed fear. For me? That was new. I squeezed my eyes shut and braced for impact. My breath was held and awaited the force of the vehicle ...

S L A M !

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