Chapter 25: Together

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I found it hard to sleep that night. My mind was full with thoughts of Levi and what I had just done. I had confessed to him so suddenly that I didn't even think about what I was doing. I was nervous to face him again in a normal state. I definitely hadn't really been myself the night before. But I was glad that it was over. I decided that today would be a day for just me and Levi. I didn't want to think about anyone else for once.

I headed downstairs first to grab something to eat but I found Levi already sitting there with a cup in front of him. It was almost as if he didn't move from the night before. A part of me worried that was true.

"Good morning." I said to him.

"Morning." was his only response. I walked past him to grab something from the fridge and I could feel his eyes on me. I tried not to think about it but I still felt a slight warmth on my cheeks. "You're looking better." He added. This time I did look at him with a raised brow.

"I am?"

"I mean, not depressed." He shrugged and let his eyes fall back down.

"Well thanks." I opened up the bottled coffee I had grabbed from the fridge and took a seat across from him. "So..."


"Did you still want to go out today?" I asked him gingerly. I wasn't sure if the vibe from last night had washed away. And I didn't want to embarrass myself if he had changed his mind.

"That was the plan wasn't it?" He asked dryly. I rolled my eyes. Back to normal I could see. Maybe the Levi I spoke to last night was a dream.

"Yes. I was thinking maybe we go for a walk and find a few shops?" I suggested. I kept it simple to avoid testing Levi's patience. To my relief, he nodded.

"Sounds good."

"Great. I'm going to go change." I hopped up from my seat a bit faster than I had intended and headed back up to my room. I heard Levi follow up the stairs not long after me and start the shower down the hall.

The weather was still a bit cool as it changed from winter into spring. So I kept my outfit light but still warm. I wasn't sure what Levi had chosen to wear either so I just kept it as neutral as possible. I couldn't help the bubbling excitement in my chest however. I may just be getting my hopes up, but a day with just the two of us was something I never thought I would be looking forward to. 

After I was done getting ready, I stepped out into the hall and heard the bathroom door opening at the same time. Before I could realize what was happening, I turned to look towards the noise. Levi walked out of the bathroom with jeans and wet hair. Horrifyingly, he wore no shirt. I froze in my place as he made eye contact with me. His expression was as stoic as ever while he stood there half naked. I felt my face heat up and I was at a loss for words. His mouth opened like he was going to say something but I whirled around and practically ran down the stairs.

I couldn't believe what I just saw. Why didn't he react? Why didn't he move?? Usually he was in and out of his shower so fast I never even noticed. I must just have the worst luck. I couldn't ignore the image of how good he looked. The way his wet hair hung in front of his eyes, making them look so much sharper and mysterious. Not to mention the shape of his body. Any idea I had of a greek god was erased by the sculpted form I just witnessed. That image was burned into my mind forever, not to say I wanted it to leave. I couldn't seem to get my heart under control.

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