Chapter 13: The Truth

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I hadn't been able to fall back asleep since Levi called me. It was now 10 in the morning and I was brimming with excitement. It didn't feel like I got out much in terms of hanging out with people.

It's just going to be you and him... the thought popped into my head, to my shock. I could feel my face get hot and I slapped my forehead to try and get it out of my head.

He invited you out without you asking like it's a date. And look at how you're reacting. It's pretty obvious...

"No." I said out loud. I wouldn't let anything like that happen. I had made it clear to myself a long while back that nothing was between us and I never wanted there to be. But I had noticed lately that these thoughts manifested more often than usual.

I sighed and looked at myself in the mirror, thinking. "I don't want there to be anything right?" The (e/c) eyes in my reflection stared back at me with no response. The silence made me uncomfortable. I wanted an answer but none came. "He's rude, stoic, and he keeps to himself." I told myself. My type was the complete opposite what Levi was... right? I huffed and left the bathroom.

You say that but look at you.

I groaned. There was no hiding the truth. I wasn't ready to admit it but I needed to talk about it with someone. The only person that came to mind was probably the worst person to confess to.

The phone rang only once before I heard shouting into the phone,

"Hey kiddo!" Hanji greeted. I sighed with a smile.

"Hello. I got to talk to you about something."

"Want me to come over?" she suggested.

"Yes it would be easier to explain that way."

~Time Skip brought to you by author-san slamming their head into keyboard because this is hard~

Hanji sat on the couch next to me and waited for me to begin. She seemed calmer after seeing me so distressed about the situation.

"What's going on?" she encouraged.

"Well, the first thing I should mention is I'm going to hang out with Levi for a little bit today." I could see her eyes light up immediately but she repressed it to allow me to continue. "So this morning I called Levi to ask if we were actually friends and he said yes. And then he invited me out and we are meeting up in a few hours. But..."


"I don't feel normal."

"You're sick?" she sat up more, looking worried.

"No I don't think so." I looked away.

"Describe your symptoms."

"My stomach feels fluttery and I feel hot. But at the same time, it's almost like I'm happy." I admitted. Hanji raised an eyebrow and looked at me.

"Is it a constant feeling?"

"Um, no. It's mainly when I think about....certain things." I trailed off and rubbed my arm. When I glanced back at her, she was smirking with a glint in her eye.

Only His {Levi x Reader Modern AU} [BEING REWRITTEN]Where stories live. Discover now