Chapter 8: Breakfast and Boys

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I awoke to soreness and an environment I couldn't register. All I knew was I wasn't at home. Sounds could be heard but the ringing in my ears was too distracting. I sat up and placed a hand on my forehead. I had gotten drunk. And now I was hungover. The exact thing I DIDNT want to happen.

"Hello?" I called weakly. The noises stopped and I heard footsteps. Hanji was there suddenly, smiling at me.

"Hey there." she laughed softly.

"Where am I and what happened?" I asked.

"You're at my house," she stated and I began to recognize the place, "and for that second question, you're going to have to ask Erwin for full details. I was drunk last night too. And I am
so sorry. I should have been more responsible. It would have been my fault if something bad had happened to you. Thank goodness Levi was there. He really gave me a lot of shit for it this morning on the phone..." she laughed somewhat sadly. "I'm making breakfast right now. You hungry?"

I didn't have a lot of brain power to process what she had just said to me. But I nodded anyways. My stomach growled an that was enough of a response for her.

"Did you guys drive me here?" I called after her despite the pain I was in. I remembered being in a car for a little while but I don't know whose it was. I could hear her laugh like it was such an absurd thing to ask.

"Oh, you don't remember?" she poked her head out of the doorway. "It was Levi. He was with you on the dance floor and then he took you here." she grinned dangerously. "Oh also," she added, "Erwin said that Levi looked rather odd when you two came off that dance floor. Makes me wonder what happened out there. Do you remember anything?"

I thought about it for a moment. Flashes of memories were coming to me but nothing big enough to be a hint. I shook my head and she returned to the kitchen. The ringing in my ear had subsided and I was able to stand up. But something slid off me and I looked down to see a black jacket, "Hanji is this your jacket?" I asked. She popped her head out once more to look at it.

"Mm nope. Looks like a mans jacket..." her sentence trailed off and she smirked, "Must be Levi's then huh?" She then retreated from sight. I looked around a little more. There was a trash can below me and a water glass on the table. I drank it gratefully.

"What are you doing now?" I asked once I had finished. I received no response. Cautiously I  crept into the kitchen after placing the jacket on the couch. I peered around the doorway to see her typing away on her phone. She sent a message and turned to me,

"Oh I just mentioned to Levi that he should pick up what he left... plus he forgot his jacket."she cackled. My eyes widened and I smacked Hanji on the arm.

"What the HELL!! That's so embarrassing!!" I was laughing out of fear. "Please tell me you didn't text him that." She only handed me her unlocked phone. The messages on screen read the same as she had said told me. They were unanswered and unread. Until I was about to hand back her phone when the icon under the messages changed from delivered to read. I shrieked and practically threw her phone at her. All she could do was laugh and laugh until she was hunched over, gasping for breath. I could only stand there in utter embarrassment. When she finally composed herself, she returned to breakfast. I never did see what Levi's response was.

I left the kitchen and sat down on the couch. To my left was the jacket and I scooted away from it, trying not to think about whatever Levi must have seen. But then it occurred to me that he must've covered me with it before he left. My heart warmed and I felt myself smile a little, but I knew he was just doing the right thing for a stupid drunk girl. I slumped on the couch, not wanting to think about anything anymore.

Hanji came out to the living room with two plates of (fave breakfast idc) and sat down next to me. She also provided some coffee. I thanked her and began to eat.

The room sounded only of clanging forks on plates for a while. The food was amazing. I couldn't stop. Suddenly we were interrupted by Hanjis phone vibrating on the table. She paused for a lengthy moment before the corner of her mouth turned up, "Levi will be here in 10 minutes." She announced.

I almost choked, "He's actually coming?!"

"Yep. I guess he really wants his... jacket." I forked down my food and rushed to the bathroom to make sure I didn't look ragged and hungover. The mirror revealed that my h/c hair was rather calm and there were no bags under my e/c eyes. Though my outfit was a little wrinkled there was nothing I could do besides try and smooth it a little bit. I returned to the living room and Hanji gave me a look, "Why are you so worried about your appearance?" I shot her a look as I grabbed my plate and headed to the sink to clean it,

"Because who wants to look hungover for anybody?" I defended myself and I could hear her say something but it was too quiet to understand. Soon enough there was a knock on the door. I came out as she was opening the door.

"I'm here for my jacket. Though I don't see why this couldn't have waited.." I could hear Levi say as Hanji closed the door behind him. Relief washed over me, hoping he disregarded what Hanji had said. I pretended not to notice he was there and sat back on the sofa. Then I looked to him,

"Good morning Levi." I greeted as casually as possible.

"Good to see you aren't still passed out drunk." he pointed out. Back to the cold remarks apparently.

"Sure." I said, unsure of what else to say. Hanji picked up her plate and turned to me,

"I gotta clean up the kitchen okay?" she winked and I rolled my eyes. Then I returned my gaze to Levi.

"Hanji tells me some interesting stuff happened last night?" I left it open as a question. His expression remained the same.

"Like she would know, she was drunk off her ass." He sounded confident.

"Stuff she heard from Erwin." I added as I leaned back into the cushion. Now his usual stoic expression broke slightly. The hardness in his eyes was chipped away to reveal slight discomfort. "So something did happen." I concluded from his reaction.

"No. I mean, you said some things but that was drunk rambling and didn't mean anything. Anything you hear from either of them is probably bullshit." Levi began to raise his voice slightly, arms across his chest along with minimal direct eye contact.

"What did I say? Drunk ramblings right?" I encouraged him out of my own curiosity. But I had a feeling I would regret what I heard.

"Yes. It was on the dance floor and you, you said I" he admitted finally. My face grew heated and my heartbeat picked up. I said that?? Now I didn't want to make eye contact in fear of making things worse, more awkward. But then I remembered something else. Dare I pry further? Hanji had said something about Erwin and us coming off the dance floor, "What about after? When we came off the floor." I asked without looking.

"Nothing happened. Like I said, all they're talking is bullshit. They like to mess with me." I decided to drop that one and move on.

"Anything else?" I was almost too afraid to ask.

"You said you liked my name in the car. And that was it." he cleared his throat and shifted his weight. A long awkward silence passed between us before I stood up.

"Here's your jacket back. I really appreciate what you did for me." I smiled meekly and handed it to him. He took it with a nod.

"Just don't let it happen again. You need to be more aware of your surroundings, and the people around you. That could have been anyone who took you away last night. You're lucky it was me."

The last thing I expected was to be scolded by Levi. But I knew he was right. Hanji and I both messed up. Levi didn't say much else and headed out the door. I stood on the porch to see him off. He waved at me once before he drove off and it surprised me. Maybe we were becoming friends or something. Then Hanji was behind me. She put an arm around my neck and her head on my shoulder.

"Wow, call me Cupid huh?" she sighed.

"Are you fucking serious??" I shouted.


yes that is end of chapter lol

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