Chapter 5: Unexpected Visit

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It was 6am on a Saturday and I had the day off. The week had been pretty easy going and Levi hadn't come back to the cafe since Tuesday. The last time I spoke to him was the conversation at the bus stop. I decided I was in the mood for a walk to get the blood flowing. I wore dark gray jeans with my (f/c) jacket as I stepped outside into the cold morning air. Usually not many people were out at this time walking around, so I had the walk to myself. The streets were relatively quiet in my part of town as the trees swayed in a minimal morning breeze. I took one step before stopping. Something was different this time. I stood frozen in place as I saw someone walk down the street past my building. His breaths made puffs in front of him and he stared ahead, seemingly lost in his own mind.

"There's no way." I whispered aloud, trying to hide my face. I pretended to look for something in my pocket as I listened to the footfalls, hoping they would pass. But unfortunately I heard them stop.

"Oi!" he called. Dammit there was no escape now. I swiveled my face back towards the man on the street. "____? What are you doing here?"

"I could say the same for you Levi." I replied, adding emphasis on his name for no apparent reason. He folded his arms in front of him and gave me a look. But then his eyes traveled to behind me and I became uneasy. He's seen where I lived. The one thing I never wanted anyone to know.

His posture relaxed, " you live here?" he asked. The expression in his voice read skepticism and almost humor. I felt so embarrassed and ashamed. There wasn't anything I could do about it yet I felt like it was my fault. I grabbed my arm and looked away from him. "So you do." he realized finally.

"Is there a problem.." I was starting to get angry again. He was really good at doing that. I inhaled deeply and closed my eyes. "Not everyone can have nice things, Levi." There was a long silence before he spoke again.

"Are you going for a walk?"

I was grateful he changed the subject. My eyes opened and he was closer than before. His ice gray eyes were softer than before. I was folded my arms across me and shrugged.

"I am. Would you like to come?" I asked nonchalant. I had no idea why I was inviting him. I began to walk and to my surprise he followed. So began our morning walk.

It was relatively quiet since neither one of us was tempted to start conversation. We instead enjoyed the quietness of the morning and the feeling of not being alone, though we'd never admit it. I'd only known him for a week yet here I was, taking a walk with him alone. But I was surprisingly enjoying myself more than I was comfortable with.  I thought I hated this man at first but it seems when his mouth wasn't moving, he was rather pleasant company. I doubt he shared the same opinion. I assumed he was doing this out of pity, though he didn't strike me as the type. But it was the best reason I could come up with.


What am I even doing. One moment I'm walking by myself thinking about the week and the next I'm walking with _____? It was so unexpected. I definitely did not expect her to be living in this part of town. The older buildings, the uncut bushes, and overgrown yards. It was rather filthy. She was not living well and it had surprised me. I had accidentally touched a nerve when I had asked about her apartment. I decided it was best to avoid the subject further.

We continued walking together in silence. I was content with her company which was rare to find in people these days. I found myself falling back behind her slightly as I indulged in my thoughts. Suddenly she turned around and I fixed my expression to boredom to avoid any snarky comment. Her (h/l) (h/c) hair swayed as she moved and her wide (e/c) eyes met mine, catching me slightly off guard. The longer I held her gaze, the more I felt she could hear what I was thinking. So I looked away from her gaze and out into the street.

"What were you out here for?" _____ asked suddenly. She faced forward as we walked side by side once more, but her eyes never left my face.

"To be alone." I replied truthfully.

"Oh." I felt her eyes lift off me finally and I snuck a glance back. She looked far off, watching the sidewalk in front of her. I sighed and stuffed my cold hands into my pockets. That's when I noticed her bare hands.

"Aren't your hands cold?" She broke her stare to turn to me.

"What? Oh, no. I don't care." she shrugged.

"No need to act so tough."

"What makes you think I'm not?" she challenged, folding her arms across her. "I can handle the cold."

"Brat, it's freezing and they're red." I shot back.

"Why are you even looking at my hands??" she demanded with a slight laugh. This time her humor was genuine. There wasn't a hint of falseness or force. I just shook my head and adjusted my heavy coat. 



Maybe this man wasn't as bad as I thought he was... After having some regular conversation with him, I could tell that his attitude was more of a front he put up. I found that I connected to him a little more than I expected. I still wasn't crazy about him, but he was tolerable.

"Do you work tomorrow?" he asked suddenly. I nodded.


"Just asking." he brushed off the question and we resumed silence.

Our walk had only been about 15 minutes so far but it felt like much longer. We were just walking and talking. It continued on like that for another 5 before we had gone around the whole block. Levi and I were now at the intersection where we were to part ways. I waved to him and he gave me a nod and turned his back to cross the street. I watched him walk away a little before I, too, began the rest of my journey. I zipped up my jacket a little higher and shuffled back to my apartment, still reeling from the experience.


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