Chapter 20: Friday Night

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-1 week later-

Hanji and I had finished our shift on a Friday night. We had a wide open schedule were left with nothing to do. Hanji slumped over a table and sighed.

"What do we do?"

"It's Friday. Should we get a group together and do something?" I offered. She looked slightly more hopeful at that but then sulked again.

"What do we do?" She repeated.

"I don't know. But I'm not sure about a bar..." I kind of trailed off. Hanji nodded and thought for a moment longer. Suddenly she jumped out of her chair and I gasped in surprise.

"What about karaoke??" She beamed at me. I could never say no to that.

"That's an amazing idea!"

"Im going to contact everyone now!" She pulled out her phone and began typing away, muttering to herself. Suddenly I got a message on my phone. It was a group chat Hanji had made.

Friday Night! was the name of the chat. I could see the people in it:


The only one I didn't know in the chat was Petra. I had never heard her name nor seen her.

"Hey Hanji who's Petra?" I asked. She looked up and rubbed her head.

"Oh that's a friend of ours. She's one of the younger ones of the group. But she's alright. I've known her for a while." she explained. I nodded. It would be nice to meet another girl.

"Cool." I smiled. Hanji returned it lightly and looked back down at her phone. She made sure everyone could either confirm or deny going. To our pleasure, everyone agreed, except for Levi. I wasn't surprised to see he gave no response to the group chat. Hanji rolled her eyes when she noticed.

"You think you can tell that man of yours to lighten up." She sighed.

"My man?? I'm not taking any responsibility for him." I held my hands up defensively. I figured I would bring it up when I got home though. Of course I wanted him to go, but this seemed way out of his comfort zone.

Hanji was my ride home today. I had a few hours before I would meet the rest of them at the karaoke place. When we pulled up to the house, Hanji stopped me for a moment.

"_____?" She said. Her tone was different suddenly, "There's something I didn't mention."

"What is it?" I looked at her, waiting for her to continue.

"Well, Petra... she's Levi's ex." Hanji said it slowly, as if her very words would break something. I felt my heart drop slightly, but I didn't show it on my face.

"Oh really?"

"It was a long time ago though. But I'm sorry. I didn't want to ruin your night but I really hate keeping secrets." She looked ashamed. I gave her a smile for reassurance.

"It's okay Hanji. I don't mind." It wasn't a complete lie. Of course I minded a little. But I wasn't going to let jealousy get in the way of meeting her properly. Nobody else needed to know about my crush anyways.

Hanji dropped me off soon after. I pulled out my house key and stepped inside, paying careful attention to my shoes. Levi was cleaning the windows. When he saw me he pulled his mask down.

"Hey Levi." I greeted.


"So are you going to the karaoke thing tonight?" I asked simply. Levi stared at me for a long time.

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