Chapter 11: Problems

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*heavily changed Erens roll in the story
As soon as I stepped through my door, I decided to call Eren. It rang twice before he answered.

"Hello?" he asked into the phone.

"Hey Eren." I sighed.

"Hey what's up. Haven't heard your voice in a while. What's going on?"

"Um, well..."


"I...I was almost hit by car today." I managed to say, the moment still replaying over and over. The line was silent for a long time.


"I'm okay though! I was pulled out of the way just in time. Not to say it wasn't horrifying though." I explained, hoping he wouldn't freak out. The adrenaline has worn off mostly by now. But my legs were still weak.

"Holy shit are you serious? You sure you're okay?" He rushed his words, overcome with worry.

"Yes I'm not injured. It was just a lot." I sighed.

"Of course. Do you want me to come over? I can't imagine being alone after that."

"Sure." I agreed. It would be nice to have a close friend around.

"Okay. I'll be there soon." And he hung up. The three three beeps sounded and I tossed my phone away, collapsing into my bed. The apartment felt echoy and empty. Moments ticked by in silence.

It wasn't long before 3 loud knocks sounded from my front door. I got up and trudged over to the entryway. I unlocked the door and it opened to reveal Eren's face scrunched in worry. He held a plastic bag in his hand. The door wasn't even all the way open before he pushed past it and took me in his arms. I stiffened in shock. His chest rose and fell rapidly.

"Eren?" I whispered, "Are you okay?" He hugged me a little tighter before pulling away to respond.

"Yeah I'm sorry. I just can't believe that happened to you." I closed the door behind him and we walked to the living room together. We sat and I explained what happened. I waited for him to say something when I had finished. He pulled me in for one more hug, "I- I mean we could have lost you today. That's terrifying to think about." he muttered into my shoulder. Eren pulled away once more and bright eyes stared me down. I couldn't bring myself to look away.

"I'm sorry." I felt bad for making him worry so much. "It's okay. I'm here." I placed my hand on his arm reassuringly. He smiled weakly. I decided to change the subject to lighten the mood, "What's in the bag?"

"Oh," he exclaimed like he had forgotten about it, "I brought some drinks and snacks for us if you wanted any."

"Thank you!" I have him a big appreciative smile as he handed me one of my favorite gas station drinks. I turned my small tv on and found something simple to put on.

"So, you said this guy saved you." Eren started once more. I had spared as many details as possible when it came to Levi. I didn't want anyone getting the wrong idea. However I nodded in response to his words.

"Yes. It was quite remarkable."

"What's he like? Are you guys friends?" He lifted his head and looked at me with something I couldn't read.

"He's cold, rude, and total pain in the ass. I guess you could call us something like friends." I shrugged. "He comes into the cafe every now and then. He's friends with Hanji and Erwin." I took a sip of my drink casually. Eren didn't say anything for a moment.

"How long have you known him?" He asked.

"I don't know. Maybe a month or so?" I guessed. To be honest I hadn't really been keeping track. It all flew by so quickly.

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