Chapter 15: The Housemate

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~1 Week Later~

Hanji and I sat at a table outside a restaurant for our day off. The weather was slowly starting to get warmer and it was rather enjoyable at the moment. She freaked out when I told her about what Levi and I did when we went out. A brief explanation of her reaction is one word,


She was hollering and giggling. It was total embarrassment and I was glad Levi wasn't there to see it.

"That is the best thing!" she squealed when I told her. I rolled my eyes with a huff and smiled. I decided not to tell Eren due to... obvious reasons. I would probably get shit for it later but I'll burn that bridge when I get to it. (yes I meant that) Hanji shook me out of my thoughts. "So you're happy?" she asked. I nodded with a shrug.

"Yeah I suppose." She calmed down and sat back in her chair.

"So..." she began, changing the subject. I raised my eyebrow and took a sip of my drink. "How's the apartment?" I leaned back in my chair and sighed.

"Shitty as always. My landlord recently raised the rent. I don't think I can afford this place unless I cut out a lot of other things." I looked out at the street. Hanji was silent for a moment. When I looked back at her, she had a strange expression. "....Hanji?"

"______," she started to smile, "I may have a solution for you." I stared at her, waiting for her to get to the point.

"What's that." my voice started to raise in shock. Hanji nodded rapidly and she grinned.

"A friend of mine has been looking for a housemate. I'll call them today and bring it up." She smiled. I placed a hand on my chest and gawked at her.

"That's very thoughtful of you. Are you sure it'll be okay?" I asked a little breathlessly. She nodded once more and a smile of my own spread across my face. I didn't have any complaints if it meant getting out of that horrible apartment. "Could I meet the person before I actually move in?"

Hanji's eyes glinted and I cocked an eyebrow. She placed a hand on my shoulder.

"There's no need. You can trust me with this."

"Hanji, you know I love you, but I can't be that irresponsible." I stared skeptically at her and she sighed.

"You're right. Let me talk to them first today okay? And we can head over when there's time."

I nodded with a smile. Maybe things were finally starting to look up for me.

-TIME SKIP - a few days later-

Hanji and I had been packing for about an hour before she decided to take a nap on the couch. She had called the person a few days before and today was the day I was meeting them. Most of the packing had included small things to start. Luckily there wasn't much left for me to do since I didn't have much to begin with. I was taking a small break with a snack when there was a knock on my door. I walked to the door and it opened to reveal Eren.

"Hey there." I greeted causally.

"Hi." he looked around and noticed the barren rooms. "What's going on?"

I shrugged with a chuckle, "I'm moving. I'm meeting my housemate today."

"If you needed a place, you could have just stayed with me and Mikasa." Eren frowned. I looked at him. I didn't say it out loud but with how he had been acting lately, I think that would have been difficult.

"Do you want to come with me to meet the guy today?" I suggested.

"Alright this is it right?" I looked up and saw the house number that matched my phone. The house was a sort of older Victorian house. It was small but 2 stories. On the porch was a bench that swayed in the slight breeze. The paint was white with a dark gray trim.

"Wow." was all I could say. Hanji parked and got out. Eren and I followed after. When I met up with her on the other side of the car, she was smiling.

"Isn't it great?" she asked me excitedly. I nodded.

"Are you su-"

"Sh." Hanji cut me off. She hooked her arm around mine and led me up the white stairs. Eren followed behind. Hanji knocked lightheartedly. We waited until we heard the sound of the door being unlocked. Unease began to seep through my skin. Something wasn't in place. I looked around before the door opened. In the driveway was a sleek, black car I didn't see when we pulled up. I knew that car.

Then it clicked.

But I was too late.

"A whole welcoming party huh." Of course a snarky remark was the first thing he would say. My stomach dropped at the sound of his voice. Cringing, I turned to face the man in the doorway...

Erens eyes shifted from my face, to the man at the door, "So... who's this?"

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