Chapter 23: Confess

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I don't know what time I fell asleep but I was still alone when I woke up. I wasn't sure how much time had passed. I was nervous to open my phone, unsure of what I would find with being off my phone for so long. The clock on my phone read 9pm. I had been asleep for a long time. I had no texts from Eren but I did have 2 from Levi. The first one was from several hours ago, asking how I was doing. A few more hours had passed before he texted me again with more urgency.

Are you okay? The text read. I noticed that it had been an hour since he sent that last one. I sat upright and rubbed my face. My vision was blurry and my head felt clouded. Guilt started to seep into me for worrying him. But at the same time, I didn't think I would have the energy to speak right now. Fate seemed to be against me at the moment when all of a sudden my phone started vibrating in my hand. The sudden movement shocked me awake and I stared at my phone as it rang. Levi was calling me. I knew if I didn't answer it, there would be trouble. I rubbed my swollen eyes and cleared my throat as best I could before pressing a shaking thumb onto the answer button.

"My house must have been burned to the fucking ground if you couldn't respond to me all day." Levi's clear stern voice came through the speaker instantly. I silently rolled my eyes. He couldn't even say hello?

I sighed, "Your house is fine. I'm.... fine." I lied. There was a moment of silence before he replied.

"What happened." He'd noticed. Dammit.

"Nothing." I said anyways. "Aren't you supposed to be working?" I tried to diverge the subject away from me.

"Do you think I'm an idiot, ____?."

"I'm sorry I didn't respond. I've been... I was sleeping. Nothing is wrong with the house or-"

"If you think all I care about is my house, you're more of an idiot than I thought." Levi's words struck me and I went silent for a moment. He was always harsher than he meant, but this time I did know what he meant. I had really worried him. I felt a stray butterfly brush my stomach but it was squashed with a sudden image of Eren's face.

"I'm sorry." I muttered finally but my voice broke. The line was silent for a moment before the faint sound of people talking in the background appeared.

"We'll talk when I get home." Then he hung up. The dead line rang in my ear while I sat there. I had no idea what that meant but I had no choice but to wait. Despite my wanting to push all these feelings away, I knew when Levi said he would do something, he did it. I was left alone again in the dark. The light of my screen faded to black as well. I sighed heavily and flopped against the back of the couch. I couldn't help but wish I could throw myself into his arms and cry when he got home. But I decided to keep those thoughts in the fantasy category and focus on reality.


After hanging up the phone, I approached my manager and made up some excuse to leave. I didn't wait around to hear what they said. They knew I was too good to lose, and if they were mad, I'd make it up to them. Right now, I had more important things to deal with.

I knew something was wrong several hours ago when _____ stopped responding to me. I had even let a few hours go by before following up in case she was busy. But after not hearing a word from her all day, I couldn't take the stress anymore. This wasn't like her. My concerns were confirmed when I heard her speak on the phone. All the emotion was drained from her voice and it was rough around the edges. Something had happened and I didn't know what. But when I found out, I'd make sure that it never happens again.

I left work in a hurry, brushing past anyone and anything without a second glance. My car was on the moment I stepped foot in it and I peeled out of the parking lot in a flash. On the way home, I probably broke a few traffic laws but it seems my luck had yet to run out. Nearly every light was green and I was home 10 minutes earlier than usual. I speed walked up the steps to the house. I noticed first that there were no lights on inside. ____ was either asleep or sitting in the dark. Neither option was favorable. Just in case, I was slow to open the door and make as little noise as possible. But when I opened the door all the way, I could just make out ____ sitting at the kitchen table with a mug in front of her. The only light was the stove top's dim yellow glow. She was still, just a silhouette. She didn't even move when the door opened. I felt like I had a rock sitting in my stomach. It was a strange feeling and I wanted it to go away as soon as possible. The feeling only got worse when I got close enough to make out ____'s features.

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