Chapter 6: Let's Go Out!

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(no the title is noooot what you think it means. they are not dating)

A few days after my weird little encounter with Levi, I was back at work again along side Hanji. Luckily she hadn't brought him up much since then. I decided against telling her about our secret walk.

"It's Tuesday, _____." she grinned at me.

"Um yeah? So what?" I shrugged without looking away from the counter I was currently wiping down.

"Well I know this great club downtown that-"

"No Hanji. Last time I went out with you to a bar you got us thrown out after an hour. You are uncontrollable when you're drunk." I put down my cloth and leaned against the counter top with my arms crossed. She hopped up onto it next to me and gave me pleading eyes.

"Please? I'll behave. I have to do stuff tomorrow anyways and I can't get a hangover."

"That's what you said last time." I muttered. "And I have stuff tomorrow too. It's my cleaning day."

"Damn. Well if you change your mind, Erwin, my friend Mike, and I are going out around 7 this evening. You can bring someone if you like. Just think about it?" she nudged me with her shoulder and jumped off the counter to assist in cleaning tables. I shook my head no but in my mind I was considering it. Things had been rather boring lately. Work was normal and nothing interesting was going on, if I didn't count Levi being suddenly thrown into my life. Something fun would definitely be refreshing. But if I did end up getting drunk or a hangover, it wouldn't be the best.

She did say I could bring someone...

I thought about inviting Eren. If he wanted to go then I would go. But if he was busy, I would stay home. I nodded to myself at my decision and got back to work.

~TIME SKIP brought to you by a hungover reader-chan~

My break came sooner than I had expected and I found Hanji talking with Erwin. When she spotted me, she waved me over.

"Sorry to interrupt." I apologized.

"Oh hush. So have you thought about tonight?" She asked with hopeful eyes.

"Here's what my plan is: I'm going to ask Eren if he wants to come. If he says yes, I'll go. But if he says no or that he's busy, I'm staying home. Okay?"

"*sigh* It's better than a straight no. You'll have fun _____. Trust me!" Hanji winked at me. The fact that she had the audacity to ask me to trust her was warning enough. She was planning something for sure. There was something up her sleeve and I was terrified. When Hanji had a plan, she followed through and that's what scared me the most. I had a feeling I was going to that bar tonight whether Eren came with me or not. But what was awaiting me there I had no clue.

I got home and after a little relaxing, I texted Eren:

Me: Hey, do you wanna come to a bar with Hanji, Erwin, Mike, and I tonight? If you can't come then I'm not going.

Eren: Hey I can't come tonight but I want you to go. Goodness know you could use a night out. If you don't go out tonight then I will take it as a personal offense.

Me: Geez alright alright. I was probably gonna be forced to go anyways.

Eren: Have fun tonight. ;p

Me: You too I guess. XD

Right after that I got another text:

Hanji: I'll be at your house in half an hour.

I glanced at the clock - 6:15

Me: I never agreed to going.

Hanji: Yeah but you knew you were going whether you wanted to or not.

I sighed in defeat. I knew it alright.

~MINI TIMESKIP brought to you by a fab lookin Reader-chan~

It was 6:45 and I headed out of my apartment. I took one step out the door to see Hanji waiting for me at the car. She could see the look in my eyes and she smirked.

"We're gonna have some fun tonight! Haha!"

"So you've said." I grumbled and continued to Erwin's car. I was thankful that I was close with Erwin, otherwise it would have been an awkward night out with my boss. I cringed at the thought.

The whole way there, Hanji rambled about her old life at the college and what it was like. To be honest it was rather interesting to listen to, though I don't know what prompted her to bring it up. She had a habit of just... talking.

Before long we pulled into a parking spot near the bar. The glowing sign out front was eye grabbing among the rest of downtown despite the bustle. We stepped out of the car and Hanji rounded the front to get to me.

"Ready? They've got some great alcohol here and it's a neat place. Not one of those sketchy clubs that are gross and ya know..." she smiled.

"I'm going to have one drink okay? One." I informed her. "And no way in hell am I dancing." She only shrugged.

"You say that now..." She linked her arm through mine as she giggled and began to walk with me.

"Wings of Freedom?" I read the glowing sign aloud.

"Cool name right?" Hanji leaned into me.

"I guess."

A remix of some pop song was playing when we walked in. The lighting was rather dark but then again it was a club. Tables littered the edges of the club, to the back right was a large bar, and in the middle was a packed dance floor. Hanji led me to a rounded table.

"We're gonna be here tonight okay? Don't get lost." she scooted in next to Erwin and I followed suit next to her. We sat there for a little bit which gave me time to observe. So far, things looked decent and safe. The bar was calling to me though. As if she read my mind, Hanji whispered in my ear, "Wanna go get a drink?" and I nodded.

We maneuvered through the crowds and finally escaped the dance floor. Hanji ordered right away while I contemplated what I wanted. I told myself one drink so it had to be a good one.

Then again I'm not driving home... NO no I can't think like that...

My mind was back and forth with trying to decide if I should really have just one drink. It had been a while since I really let loose.

"I'm going to go dance." Hanji shouted to me over the DJ and then she was gone. I was alone at the bar. I watched her run over to our table and grab Erwin, Mike was talking with someone I assumed he knew, and here I was by myself. Suddenly...

"Can I get you something?" a man asked right behind me. My back was to the bar so it had to be the bartender. But his voice gave me goosebumps. I turned my head slightly and couldn't believe my eyes.
hehehehe you already know who it was

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