Chapter 12: 3 AM

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I woke up Saturday morning at 3 am. There was no work for me today. The sky was dark and everything was silent. The first thought that came to my mind was Eren. It seemed to be the only thing I wanted to think about. A part of me thought it would be better if I just didn't talk about Levi around Eren anymore. But the other part was conflicted. Why should I have to appease him?

I lifted my glowing phone screen to my face and stared at the time. A sigh escaped my lips and I caved in. I opened up text messages as I sat up and started a message to Eren:

Me: I know it's really early but I'm sorry I made you worry about me.

It sent and I let my arm fall onto the sheets. My vision was dark once more and I sighed. But suddenly my phone buzzed in my hand. I jumped in alarm and checked to see what his response was.

Eren: I'm sorry for lashing out. I don't really know what came over me.

Me: it's okay. But can you please try to be understanding until you meet the guy?

I wasn't sure what Eren would say to that since we was so stubborn, but to my relief he agreed.

Eren: Fine. But I still don't have a good feeling about him. It sounds like that kind of attitude wouldn't have a good influence on you. And you know I don't want that for you.

My gut told me this had more to it than just "what's best for me." But then another point arose: Why was I defending Levi so much? It was true that we were friends. But it's not like I knew much about him. He wasn't a super talkative guy. He could have some deep dark secret that I don't know about. Maybe it was best if I just dialed everything back. Things had been getting a bit too crazy lately.

I held my head in my hands, letting the silence calm me. But to my dismay, it only made my thoughts louder. I let go and returned to the phone in my lap.

Me: is there something aren't you telling me?

Eren: I'm... just worried about you.

Me: I can take care of myself you know

Eren: I know...

Eren didn't respond after that. I threw my phone to the side and tried to forget. There was no point trying to get an answer out of him when he clearly wasn't budging. I decided I would ask Levi himself. It would probably be awkward but I had to know for sure.

I made my way to the kitchen and started a piece of toast despite the odd hours. That's what being an adult was all about. You ate when you were hungry and nobody was there to tell you no. After it popped out of the toaster, I took it to my living room and sat down. While eating, I pulled out my phone once more and saw Levi's contact.

"I'm going to find out." I said aloud. I began to text him the question,

Me: Hey, we are friends right?

I sent it and returned to my toast. I thought about how he might respond. What would I do if he said no? I guess it would prove Eren correct in some ways and I can apologize. My mind was left to wander until my phone alerted me of another message. My (e/c) eyes glanced to the side and I saw the name. The surprise gave me a delayed reaction. It took me a minute to grab my phone and read the message.

Levi: What the hell are you doing up at 3 in the morning?

Me: Eating. Hbu?

Levi: I just woke up.

Guilt seeped in. Did I wake him up? What if he's annoyed with me?

Me: sorry..

Levi: Im a light sleeper anyways

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