Chapter 16: A New Home

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"Eren, this is Levi. _____'s housemate!" She introduced them happily. But I could already feel the air getting colder. Erens eyes narrowed. Levi leaned against the doorframe as if he wasn't surprised.

"Is this some sort of joke?" My voice was barely above a whisper. I could practically feel Eren's anger rippling off of him. I turned back and gave him a concerned look.

"Did you know about this, _____?" Eren questioned. I shook my head frantically.

"No!" If Eren kept at it, this whole situation was going to plummet.

"What's the problem." Levi sounded bored.

"You knew about this??" I was bewildered. Why would he agree to this?

"Yeah. Hanji said you needed a place and had no where else to go."

"That's wasn't entirely true!" I turned to her, "Hanji why would you? You've gone too far this time!" Her brows furrowed behind her glasses. I knew she was trying to help me. But she had the worst methods imaginable.

I walked away from the porch and sat on the bottom step, head in my hands. I could feel a tear streak down my face. I felt humiliated. Eren followed and rested his arm around my shoulders. I leaned into him. Hanji and Levi were talking in low voices behind me. Everything was a mess. I was homeless and crying in front of the guy I liked, how fun. I managed to stop the tears finally and resorted to sitting in silence. I was immediately running options through my head of where I could live. My apartment wasn't an option anymore. It was too expensive. There was Eren, but that brought about different issues.

Hanji hopped down the steps and crouched in front of me. When I looked up, she patted my leg with a smile and a wink.

"Everything works out okay? He really doesn't mind." She stood up. "I'll wait in the car for you both." And she walked away. Now it was just me, Eren, and Levi. Not a good combo...

"Oi." Levi said behind us. I turned to face him and Eren did the same, only with a glare. "You can stay here _____." he declared simply.

"Are you sure? Hanji said it was a friend looking for a housemate. Though I had no idea it was you she was talking about." I admitted.

"Well, I wasn't looking for one. But I can't let you just sit on the porch and cry." He stared down at me. I felt Eren's arm tense and I glanced worriedly at him. This probably wasn't going to end very well.

"I have my stuff back at my apartment."

"Well it's not like you can wait until tomorrow right?" He said irritably. He was right.

"I just need to get it. But it's packed." I stood up and wiped the rest of my tears away quickly. Levi nodded and Eren stood back, glaring the whole time.

"Do you need help moving anything." He offered. But before I could speak, Eren cut in,

"I've got it."

"There's an empty room upstairs to the right." he told me, purposefully ignoring Eren, "When you come back, you can put your stuff in there." I nodded and turned towards the car. I noticed Eren linger slightly before following behind me.
Hanji and Eren helped pack my stuff into the back of the car. It was simple enough. Mostly clothes and whatnot. (I'm gonna actively ignore the furniture). Moving things in took no time at all. However the car ride both to the apartment and back was painstakingly quiet. No one spoke a word, which was probably for the best.

Levi's house was immaculate. I've never seen a place so clean. And the room he provided me appeared untouched. The color scheme was monotone and simple. But it looked modern. There was a window looking out onto the street below.

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