Chapter 22: Broken

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Monday morning came and it was my turn to be home alone all day. Levi had to go run some errands that I seemed to not be able to go along with. When I asked him where he was going, he claimed that I would "slow him down" as if he was in a hurry. After those errands, he had to come home and get ready for work. His boss called him in early to talk to all the employees about something and teach them some new techniques.

I said goodbye to Levi at 10:00am. When he was done running errands, he would be home for maybe 20 minutes and then he'd be gone again. Disappointment filled me when I realized I wouldn't really see Levi until 11pm or later. I sulked on the couch in silence. The clock in the kitchen seemed to make things worse. I couldn't take it for very long. I huffed in annoyance and pulled out my phone, deciding to text someone.

Me: Hey


He took a moment to respond after reading it.

Eren: Hi

Me: Are you doing anything today?

Eren: No. Are you?

Me: No silly that's why I'm asking. :P

Eren: I'll come get you at 11am. We'll go downtown.

I send Eren Levi's address and went to get ready. I was happy I got to do something rather than be bored all day. And Hanji would have just teased me all day. The only thing that worried me was Eren's seemingly empty hatred for Levi. The one thing I could do was hope he didn't bring anything up about him. I decided not to worry until the time came. I looked at the clock and realized I had time to spare. So I decided to write Levi a note in case he came home while I wasn't home.

It was 11 soon enough and I heard Eren beep outside. I ran out to his car and found him playing music like always. I smiled at him and he gave me a nod.

"Long time no see." Eren said. There was a hint of something in his voice but I didn't let it get to me.

"Yeah hahah." He started to drive and I cleared my throat. "So what are we gonna do in downtown?"

"Just browse I suppose." He shrugged. This conversation was obviously going no where so I decided to drop it. I felt a bit let down because we always seemed to have great chemistry. But this new thing with Levi was throwing a wrench in our friendship. I hoped it would get easier as the day went on, and I was somewhat right. We arrived downtown and things were feeling better. The conversation was flowing nicely and so far there was no mention of Levi. I enjoyed hanging out with Eren again. After an hour or so of browsing, we decided to stop at a cafe. We were quiet as we ate. But nothing good lasts forever.

"So.." Eren begins. Oh no. Here it comes. "How's living with that guy?" He asked. I shrugged.

"It's alright. I've been thinking about moving again though." Eren looked up at me with a raised eyebrow. But there was also a small glimmer of relief in his eyes. That ticked me off. Why does he hate Levi so much? After the cafe, we walked down the street without much to say.

"Should we get back to the car?" I suggested a change of subject. He shrugged.

"Yeah I guess." He shoved his hands in his pockets and I could feel him beginning to close off. I stopped and he looked back at me. "What?"

"What's wrong." I asked sternly.

"Nothing. I'm fine." He told me. But I didn't believe him. I decided to drop it for the time being because I didn't want to make a scene in public. We walked back to the car in frustrated silence until we pulled up to Levi's house. I stepped out of the car and he looked at me.

"Eren come in for a second. I want to talk to you about something." I waited for him. He gave me a skeptical look.

"I don't wanna see that guy..." he began his excuse but stopped when I shook my head.

"He's not here. Come inside." I turned and headed inside the house. Eren was there when I sat on the couch. He looked around in discomfort and then sat down beside me.

"What do you want to talk about?" He was stiff with discomfort.

"Why don't you like Levi. And I don't want to hear 'I don't know' because I know you do." I looked him straight in his ocean eyes. He still didn't know that I heard his conversation with Levi. But I wasn't about to reveal that now. I wanted him to say it first.

"I.. just... I'm not comfortable with you here." He stuttered.

"That's not good enough. You're my best friend. I can tell you're miserable and you don't talk to me like you used to. Why does Levi matter? None of my other friends have mattered before. Why now?" my voice was raising quickly. I had to calm myself but I was so frustrated.

"I'm just-."

"Tell me the truth!" The anger was escalating.

"He's taking you away from me!" He shouted. I stopped yelling and watched him. "I'm jealous. This guy you've know for no time at all has taken over your life. You're living with him all of a sudden when I've been there for you when no one else was. I don't see you like I used to. It- it should have been me." Eren stood up and ran a hand through his hair in distress. "I want to see you. You're my best friend. I hate the fact that he gets to see you more than I do. A-and it makes me so upset." Tears began to run down his face. I sat in shock without a word to say. "He doesn't get that right!"

"Eren that's- !" I started to protest but he cut me off.

"No! I love you _____! I want you to be mine!" He wiped his face frantically but the tears wouldn't stop. I felt like I had just been hit with a sack of sand. My chest was compressed and it felt hard to breathe. Then his own watery eyes widened at his words. "__-____ I didn't-.."

"Is that true?" I asked, my voice was soft. He stared at me for a moment and hung his head.

"Yes..." he whimpered. I took in a deep breath and stood up. I gently touched Eren's arm.

"I'm sorry." I said quietly. He slowly raised his head. He laughed once and shook my hand off of him. I flinched.

"I thought I had a chance." He spat bitterly. I stared at him. He glared at me with a tear stained face. "First he takes my best friend and now he takes away my..." He stopped out of anger and stormed past me.

"Wait!" I called after him but he left the house without looking back. The door slammed and I screamed at it. I slammed my palms on the door and flung myself onto the couch. I sobbed feeling broken. Anger consumed me and I was left alone in a big house. I couldn't bring myself to reach out to anyone. I laid there until my sobs became quiet and the house became dark.

I might have just lost my best friend because I didn't love him back.

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