Chapter 1: Welcome to Cafe Maria

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As the sun rises on a snow dusted morning, the hustle of life begins. Cars, one by one, start their engines and head off to work. People bundle up in their coats and scarves to brave the cold. On a certain street, the light shines down in it's attempt to warm the asphalt. Down a ways is a cafe with a hand drawn sign out front. It reads: 

-Cafe Maria-

Open 4:30am-4:30pm Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday

Open 5am-5:30pm Weekends

Closed Wednesdays

>Warm Drinks Inside!<


"_______, we've just seated a couple over at table 4. If you can handle it, please serve them." My boss Erwin calls to me as he rushes out of the kitchen with a tray full of food in his hands. It was our usual Monday morning rush hour at Cafe Maria. It had also snowed over night so many more customers were in need of a hot coffee. I currently had three other tables I was serving but I really did need the tips. I took in a deep breath and straightened up.

"I got it!" I called after him. I tightened my apron around my waist and headed out into the dining area.

Sitting at table 4 was a couple. They looked to be my age. The girl was small compared to the man. Her short caramel hair was tied back in a low ponytail. Across her face was a sprinkle of freckles. The man across from her was broad and strong. His hair was black and shaved. As I approached, the girl laughed out loud at something the boy said. When I arrived, she looked over and smiled at me. I returned it with a slight awkwardness and pulled out my pencil and pad of paper. "Good morning you two and welcome. What can I get started for you?" I said with a little excessive falseness. She didn't seem to notice.  

"Hello! May I please get a strawberry and lemon tea?" she asked politely. I gave her a nod and wrote it down. "It's a favorite of mine!" she laughed. The man admired her though she didn't notice. A pang of something in my heart startled me mentally. But I shook it off for now. I turned to her partner.

"And for you sir?" He glanced over the menu once more and then looked up at me.

"I'll just take a water with lemon."

"Of course." I approved.

"Thank you."

I returned to behind the counter and began to make their drinks. Hot water was always at the ready so I didn't have to wait. I grabbed a knife and pulled a few strawberries and a lemon from our mini fridge of fruits. Once my hand got into the rhythm of slicing, it moved on its own. Seeing that couple had made me remember something.


Ever since I was 14, I've been living alone. My parents had decided that they didn't want to care for a child and just kicked me out. So I was forced to live in a shelter until I was of the legal working age. Throughout high school, all I had was my best friend Eren, Mikasa, and Hanji. I've never been in a relationship and don't know the first thing about one. After I had enough work experience, I applied for a job at Cafe Maria and I have been working here ever since. I rather enjoy my job and was making enough money to afford a phone, food, and bills...

but just barely...

I'm not one to bitch about life's problems though. In fact, nobody at the cafe knew except Hanji.

I was jerked away from my thoughts when a small jolt of pain shot through my hand. I looked down to see that I had cut my finger while cutting strawberries. It was actually pretty bad. I quickly washed and bandaged my hand.

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