Chapter 21: Aftermath

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I woke up to darkness. I couldn't seem to remember much from the night before. I only remember bits and pieces. I seemed to be wrapped up in something. Shuffling, I was able to break free. My comforter was around my head like a fortress. It was cozy but constricting. To my surprise I was in my room. The blinds stopped the sunlight from blinding me and instead provided a soft glow. Downstairs, I could hear clanging in the kitchen.

"That must be _____..." I muttered. I crawled out of my bed and as soon as I stood up, a wave of dizziness over came me. Slowly sitting on my bed, I placed a hand on my head.

Great I have to go down the stairs like this.

I reluctantly stood back up and slowly made my way.

It took what seemed like ages but I finally stepped off the last stair and sighed. ______ was indeed in the kitchen. She was sitting at the table with a bowl of food in front of her. She was mindlessly scrolling through her phone. I took a moment to observe her before she noticed me. _____'s hair was slightly messy but it was pulled back away from her face. She wore a large shirt and regular pajama bottoms. It was so simple yet now, as I looked at her, I was stricken with how pretty she looked.

She must've felt my presence because she looked up suddenly and gave me a wave. I returned it slightly and leaned onto the wall, snapping my expression back to indifference. _____ noticed this and concern spread across her face.

"Levi? Are you okay?" she asked. I felt a little bad about making her worry so I shrugged.

"Yeah I'm fine." I straightened up.

"Hung over?"

"Mhm." I made my way to the table and sat down with a thud. She watched me for a moment before shaking her head and looking down at her phone. A long silence passed between us before I spoke up again, "What happened last night?" I asked. She jumped at that and put her phone down. Uh oh.. 

"Um.. well..." she seemed hesitant to respond.

"Maybe I don't want to know." I said. She relaxed slightly.

"It was nothing bad." she replied. I leaned back in my chair and rubbed my eyes. I could feel my head spinning. "Levi are you sure you're alright? You did have a bit to drink last night."

"I'll be fine." I said more harsh than intended. She sulked a little and turned back to her phone. Silence overtook the atmosphere once again and I closed my eyes. "Sorry." I muttered. I heard her stand up and leave the room. I pinched the bridge of my nose and groaned. Then I heard footsteps again.

"Here." I heard her say. My blue-gray eyes opened and I saw ______ standing next to me with medicine in her hand. "Pain killers." She held the bottle out to me sternly.

"Thanks." I grabbed the pills and took them with a glass of water she also provided.

"I think you should rest today." she suggested. I didn't want to but I knew I should.

"Fine." I had to make the treacherous journey back up the stairs to my room. Once I made it back, I collapsed onto the bed. Insomnia couldn't fight a hangover and I was asleep in a heartbeat.


First he surprises me with getting drunk in the first place but now he's hungover? I'd expected him to be the kind of guy who never gets those. But lo and behold Levi comes stumbling downstairs. He looked tired. His black hair was tousled and his eyes were clouded. I was worried he wasn't alright despite him saying otherwise. After I gave Levi his medicine, he went back to his bed. I waited a few moments before following after him. The man was passed out on top of the covers. I smiled at him and pulled a blanket over him.

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