Chapter 2: Cold Walks

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After we officially closed, I went back to wiping down the tables and wrapping up for the evening. One of the things I was tasked with was taking the sign in and wiping it off. When I stepped outside and felt the chilly air hit my face. It felt nice after being in a hot cafe all day. I stood for a moment, taking in the view. The sun was setting early because of the winter time schedule and it took my breath away. Snow lined the streets and it was rather quiet. For a moment, I forgot about work, and my life. It was only me. Then a car drove by and I snapped out of my trance. But I couldn't help but think,

"What would it be like to have someone standing beside me? Someone to enjoy this with me..." I shook off the thought as quickly as it had surfaced in my mind. I had been doing fine on my own. I didn't need anyone to make me feel happy. I quickly stepped back into the warm shop, making sure not to track in any wet snow onto the clean floors.

The cafe was as peaceful when it was empty as it was full. The golden light spilled onto the dark wood floor and glistened among the metal coffee appliances. I took in a deep breath and embraced the smell of coffee. It was familiar and comforting. After I finished wiping down the board of the sign, I placed it in the back.

"_____?" somebody called from the kitchen.


"You're able to go home. Thanks for your help today." Erwin said as he poked his head out of the doorway.

"Okay. Thank you." My boss gave me a thumbs up before disappearing back into the kitchen. I found my way to the employee room and took off my apron. I replaced it with my (f/c) parka and set my black satchel hanging on my shoulder. I said my goodbyes to my coworkers and headed out the door.

The cold air hit me again and I tightened my arms around me. I decided to walk to home instead of taking the bus since it wouldn't arrive for another hour. I began to walk down the street. My breath made large clouds in front of me. In a moment of innocence, I pretended I was a dragon, puffing large plums of smoke. I giggled and began to run. The wind made my face numb and my cheeks were red. But soon enough I ran out of breath and slowed to a walk. Reality was setting in- I was an adult again.

The scenery was familiar. I had been in this city long enough to know my way around. I wasn't afraid of being alone but I didn't enjoy it as much as some other people. It was more something I tolerated because I had to.

Up the street finally was my apartment. It was only about 30 minutes from the cafe so it wasn't a pain in the ass to walk to. A bus sure did make it quicker sometimes though. The building sat pathetically between some trees. The closer one got to it, the worse it looked. The paint was a dull gray that was peeling. The grass out front was slightly overgrown because nobody cared.

"What an eyesore." I said out loud. My keys jingled as I walked up the stairs to the 3rd floor. I unlocked my door and the it opened to reveal my drab living space.

*insert description of depressing apartment*

I flung my shoes off, placed my bag down, and headed towards my room. When I reached my bed I fell down onto it and closed my eyes.

-Time skip brought to you by reader-chan's loneliness- 

I woke up 2 hours later extremely hungry. My feet padded softly on the kitchen tile as I made my way to the fridge. But when I opened it I discovered that I forgot to go shopping this week and there wasn't enough food to make a meal out of. I slammed the door shut and it shook. "Either I don't eat or we go out." I said to no one. Then my stomach growled in response to the second option. "Ugh." I groaned as I sat on the floor to put my shoes back on. Suddenly my phone buzzed in my pocket. I grabbed it to see a text from Eren-

E: Don't feel like making anything tonight. Wanna go get some fast food with me?

Me: Lol I was just about to go out and get some myself.  I'll be waiting.

I laughed and continued getting ready. Eren had been my best friend since I was very small and he knows me better than anyone else, more than my parents, and sometimes even better than me. So I sat down on my couch after gathering my things and waited. A few minutes later my phone buzzed.

E: Here

I ran down the stairs after locking my apartment and out the front door to find Eren in his army green jeep sitting on the curb with the windows rolled down despite the cold. His music was pumping and I hopped in the passengers seat eagerly.

"Ready?" he asked over the music.

"Hell yeah!" I laughed and we sped off.

Along the way, we laughed and talked. I hadn't seen him in a while since he'd been training in the Scouting Legion. And despite what I know he's seen, his ocean eyes sparkled and he was happy as ever.  The drive was relatively quick and we pulled up to (fast food restaurant).

"Drive through or dine in?" he asked looking over at me.

"What do you wanna do?" I replied.

"I thiiiink you should come over. Mikasa misses you and we haven't hung out all together in a while."

"Yes! Should I invite Armin? He misses you." I suggested. Eren lit up at the idea.

"Of course."

"Okay!" I laughed. I shot a text to him as we headed through the drive through to get our food. The ride to his house was full of singing and dancing. He and his sister Mikasa lived in their parents old house. They were family to me. Their dad had left a few days before Carla, their mom, passed away. Now they had the house to themselves and were handling it rather well. Every now and then their father sends a check in the mail to help pay the bills but other than that they had no contact with him.

We entered the house and I said hello to Mikasa. We squished ourselves onto the couch and turned on a movie and ate. Armin showed up not long after. It was the most fun I had had in a while. We decided to put on a movie later into the evening.

Halfway through, I glanced at the time and saw that it was getting late. "Hey guys it's getting kinda late and I have work tomorrow..."

"Stay over." Eren said blandly. I glanced at Armin for his input but he just shrugged.

"But my uniform is at my house and I have to open in the morning."

"I'll drive you there in the morning to pick it up then I'll drive you to work." he declared. Mikasa nodded next to him.

"Are you sure?"

"It's totally okay, _____." she smiled warmly.

"Okay then." I said reluctantly and continued to watch the movie. Eren gave me a reassuring squeeze on the shoulder and I smiled. Thankfully the house, my apartment, and the cafe weren't far from one another. And there would be no traffic at 4 in the morning. So I relaxed, letting the couch consume me just a little more as I watched the rest of the movie with my friends.


Sorry was this chapter short lol

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