Chapter 4: Rough Introductions

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I can't believe this is happening right now! I thought in a panic. I was tired, pissy, and in no mood to handle his rudeness. The curiosity on his face went away almost as fast as it had appeared and he rolled his eyes. Levi looked the same as yesterday. His hair was lightly tousled and his outfit was black. I ripped my gaze away from him angrily and looked to Hanji in annoyance. She shrugged at my glare and began to walk towards me, dragging the poor man along.

"Hello _____ I'm back!" she smiled at me like I wasn't clearly upset. She gestured to Levi, introducing us. "_____, you know Levi. Levi, this is my good friend _____." I nodded and took a sip of my drink. Hanji shoved him into the seat across from me and left to get him a tea. Levi didn't seem to want to strike conversation and neither did I. I scooted into the corner more and grabbed my drink for another taste. Then Levi looked up at the movement. His hard eyes traveled down to the drink in my hand. My eyes glanced up at him and I was surprised to see an expression of disgust.

"You're drinking one of those on a day like today?" he frowned.
"Excuse me?" I snapped. He didn't respond so I shot him a dirty look, not caring about being formal as an employee, and took a long sip without breaking eye contact. He glared back at me, then returned to reading. When he adjusted himself, I got a good look at the cover.

"(favorite book)..." I whispered aloud. He likes the same book as me? I thought. That was a surprise. Okay so what. He's a dick. Forget him, My thoughts shouted. The tension between us could be sliced with a knife as we both did our own thing. Other people around us were enjoying themselves but our booth had a dark aura around it. At last Hanji came and broke the tension. She placed the steaming cup in front of him as he put his book down. He took a sip without waiting for it to cool down and his eyes softened ever so slightly. I guess he enjoys his tea.

"I better not have to pay for this." he grumbled. Hanji scratched her head and laughed nervously.

"Hanji...." Levi cut in angrily.

"Joking of course!" She jumped in with a laugh before things could get worse. And then she was gone again. He sat back and returned to his book. Every moment of this was getting more and more awkward. I decided to call my break early and get out of there while I still could.

"Yikes." I cringed once I was out of earshot. This was one of those days to get through and put behind me. I would have to have a chat with Hanji later about my boundaries. Because as much as I loved her, she seemed to try every little experiment she could without a single thought of, "is this really the right thing to do?"


Hanji had called me saying she wanted to see me at her coffee shop, and I denied. But I knew that wouldn't do anything since she always pulled me along anyways. I was right. She'd driven up to my house in record speed and took me to Cafe Maria, the same place I was yesterday.

We walked into the shop and my eyes fell upon that girl from yesterday. Her (e/c) eyes met mine and her expression revealed shock. But what I hadn't realized was that she was actually good looking, and I let the mask slip for a moment, revealing my moment of interest. Quickly though I rolled my eyes to pretend that I hadn't really taken notice. Then her expression changed to annoyance which tugged at my curiosity. Hanji dragged me over and forced me to sit with her. Of course this was her plan. Damn her. She introduced us and I finally learned her name, since I didn't notice it yesterday on her uniform.

"Levi this is my good friend, ____"

_____ only nodded and returned her focus to her drink. Hanji left to get me a black tea and that's when I noticed what she actually was drinking. My comment seemed to irk her instantly. It was clear she didn't like me. I had no interest in speaking to her either.

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