Author's Note

715 9 0

Hello!!!! welcome!!!  What can I get you? 

we have water, coffee, tea..

Welcome to my second book. This one is way different than the first one... well... not really I guess.

 They both contain rogues.. being taken hostage...mean, cold alpha.. 😳 now I feel like I've  written the same story but just changed the genders.. *awkward nervous  laugh 👀 

 🫠 anyways 

Mature Rating

- explicit smut 

- graphic violence ( slight physical abuse, emotional abuse) 

- This touches softly on BDSM... just slightly..

Please be safe when viewing such heavy content. 

I will see you later. 

© All rights reserved, No copies should be made without the Authors permission. Adaptations or slight alterations to the work, such as changing names, copying the events and writing them in your own words, changing character point of views, are a violation of copyright.

- GoldMoona, 2024

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