Chapter 1

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Chapter 1 

Sam Johnson POV

The dimly lit room felt heavy with suspense  as Timothy my brother and the Alpha of the pack bangs on  the worn-out wooden table in anger at the mention of everyones favourite topic. Rogues.

This topic always comes at least once during the weekly team meetings. 

I look around the room that's filled with other pack leaders, such as the gammas, healers, warriors and elders. 

My brother Timothy Johnson has been an alpha for a year now, It's a lot of pressure to be an alpha and I could see that it was getting to him.

Although I was older than Tim,  I am glad that my step mother hated me so much that she wouldn't even  let me say the words 'Alpha' and 'me' in the same sentence. 

You must be wondering why my 20 year old year brother is leading our pack when it should be me. 

The answer is simple. I'm a bastard. 

I first met timothy and my father when I was ten years old, my mother had decided  that she could no longer take care of me.

My mother and father were mates, but because my father was the pack alpha he was not allowed to mate with anybody and he was already set to marry Timothy mother.

 But they couldn't help themselves and thus, I was made.. Yaay..

My mother tried her best to raise me, I gotta give it her, she held it in for as long as she could, and when she couldn't handle the pain anymore she didn't want to abandon and leave me all alone, so she pinned a hand written letter to my shirt, gave me a kiss and set me off.

Although I was only ten years I knew what was going to be happen, I knew that I was not going to see my mother anymore.

My father raised me equally to my brother to the best he could. 

It was hard for him to love me the same way he loved my brother.

The luna was never happy with me. I always understood her side, I'm not clueless. 

In her eyes,  I was the bastard that was going to ruin her family legacy, because of me her son could possibly lose his alpha title.

On the bright side, Timothy and I bounded the minute we met, He has loved and supported me unconditionally.

"damn it it! Sam! i have no idea what to do at this point" Timothy growls, brining back to the present.

'soren this'    'soren that'   ' he's evil blah blah blah'  

I sometimes tend to space out when we talk about the rogue problem. It always the same thing with them.

The 'dusk moon' is what the rogue pack named themselves. No one refers to them as that because a group of rogues do not make a pack, therefore they don't get a name. Simple.

Rogues have existed as long as werewolves have but they have always been  just a  nuisance to others, thieves and thugs that posed little threat to no one but themselves until four years ago when a new leader stepped up and changed the game.

Soren Thornbourn.

The mastermind behind the transformation of the 'dusk moon' rogues, they went from a ragtag group of pack-less weak rogues into a relentless force of terror overnight.

Under Soren leadership, they evolved into something more sinister.

He moulded them into a well-oiled machine of destruction, instilling in them a sense of loyalty born not out of camaraderie but out of a fear of him.

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