Chapter 21

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I get up from the bath as soon as Soren leaves the room slowly rising from the water afraid that to trigger any soreness but to my surprise my muscles feel considerably looser.

It's all  thanks to the soothing hot water and..Soren's attentive hands that gave me the massage.

 With the  towel wrapped snugly around the lower half of my body, I make my way out of the bathroom and back into the bedroom.

The soft fabric of the towel clings to my damp skin, offering a sense of warmth and security as I move around. 

 Upon reaching the closet, I rummage through the assortment of clothes, mostly Soren's until I find a pair of comfortable sweats and a soft tee.

With a sigh, I settle onto the bed, the familiar scent of siren's now mixed with mine serving a reminder of what did...

I grab a fistful of hair and let out a groan of embarrassment at the thought of submitting to Soren. 

Just then Soren enters the room and I straighten up. He has a plate of food in his hands, my gaze instinctively shifts towards him, my heart skipping a beat at the sight of him.

A thought occurs in my head 'Soren is way too good looking for you'

 There is something undeniably captivating about him, something that draws me in and holds me in prisoned, even in the most ordinary of moments like right now. He's Dressed in simple sweats and a t-shirt  similar to me, yet his tousled curls frame his face in a way that seems almost artful, adding to his rugged charm.

As he approaches me, his eyes meet mine, In that fleeting instant, I find myself lost in the depths of his gaze, mesmerised by the intensity and depth of emotions that flickers within them.

It is not just his physical appearance that captivates me, it's the way he moves, the way he carries himself with poise.

As he sets the plate of food on my hand, his finger brush mine, the touch is gentle and reassuring. 

There is a sense of warmth and kindness in his demeanour that he only shows to a few people, now I was part of those people.

In this moment, I am realising just how much he means to me.

how deeply I care for him, and how fortunate I am to have him as my mate.

"Thanks" I smile

"You're welcome," he says, his voice soft and reassuring. "But I want a kiss, I'd prefer that"

I can feel my cheeks heat up.."How about a piece of my sandwich instead?" I offer.

He chuckles and shakes his head.

 "And here I thought you submitting to me would make you listen to me."

He sits down behind me and rests his head on my shoulder blade. His warm breath against my skin sends a shiver down my spine, and I cannot help but lean into his touch, relishing in the closeness.

"Well, you thought wrong," I tease-sort of- 

 "Besides, I'm pretty sure sandwiches are better than kisses,"

His arms wrap around me, pulling me closer to him as he presses a tender kiss to my cheek.

"Is that so?" he murmurs, his voice filled with warmth and affection.


"..I still think a kiss would be nice."

I sigh at his persistence and turn to him, my heart fluttering.  "Alright, fine," 

I lean in to meet his lips with mine and as our mouths meet in a gentle lingering kiss, I pull away just as quick.

 I finish the last bite of my sandwich and glance over at Soren, who is still wrapped around me. With a small smile, I offer him the last bite. He accepts it graciously by leaning in and taking it from my fingers. 

He settles the plate on the ground with practiced ease and arranges the blanket around us, cocooning us in warmth before guiding both of our bodies into a sleeping position.

Turning to face him, I meet his gaze wearing a soft smile to which he returns, his eyes reflecting a warmth that reaches deep into my soul.

His fingers brush through my hair and A barrage of memories and emotions flood my mind, causing my cheeks to flush with embarrassment.

"Can I ask you a question?" I finally manage to stammer out.

Soren's response is a simple nod, his expression open as he waits for me to continue. Gathering my courage, I forge ahead, though my words stumble over themselves in their haste to escape.

"Did you... like—no," I correct myself mid-sentence, a wave of self-doubt crashing over me. "never mind"

the room is  heavy with my unspoken fears.

"Sam," he begins, his voice soft yet resolute, "what we have is unlike anything I have experienced before. I like you- if that's what you were going to ask me- You are... special to me, in ways I cannot fully explain."

His thumb caresses my cheek with tenderness. "Anything else you want to ask me?"

I shake my head. 

"You're stupid," he grumbles softly, his voice laced with sleepiness.

His thumb brushes gently across my cheek, a tender caress that softens his words. With a sigh, Soren shifts closer, his gaze meeting mine with a depth of emotion that takes my breath away.

"I love you, Sam," he confesses, his voice raw with sincerity. 

I start to feel hot all over my body. 

I cannot look at him anymore. 

 so I playfully slap his head and turn to face away from him. My wolf screams at me for my action and I ignore both him and Soren. 


The next time we are woken up, it is not by the gentle light of morning or the soft chirping of birds, but by the exuberant energy of a certain wolf pup.

 Grey bounds into the room like a whirlwind, his laughter filling the air as he leaps onto the bed with all the grace of a seasoned acrobat.

Startled, Soren shoots up, his eyes wide with surprise as Grey's antics jolt him from sleep. 

But before he can fully grasp the situation, I swoop in, grabbing the little troublemaker and pinning him down to the bed. 

"Gotcha!" I exclaim, a mischievous grin spreading across my face as I begin to tickle Grey mercilessly. 

He squirms and wriggles beneath me, his laughter ringing out like music in the early morning light.

Soren watches with a mixture of amusement and bemusement, his sleep-addled mind struggling to keep up with the sudden burst of activity. 

But as Grey's laughter fills the room, a smile tugs at the corners of his lips, warming his expression with a soft glow of affection.

Author'S Note: 

sorry for the late updates. heehe sorreeeyyy please forgive me...

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