Chapter 13

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Caleb's words hang in the air, heavy with the weight of untold tragedy and loss. As he speaks, I find myself drawn into the narrative, the details of Soren's past unfolding like a dark and twisted tale.

"Soren and his brother are the only survivors," Caleb continues, his words punctuated by a heavy silence. "With their pack gone, they are rogues, outcasts in a world that has turned against them. No pack wants to take them in, so they are left to fend for themselves."

The magnitude of Soren's suffering hits me like a physical blow, my chest tightening with a mix of sorrow.

The image of a young Soren, forced to navigate a world that has turned against him, tugs at my heartstrings.

What must it be like for him, to lose everything he holds dear and be cast adrift in a sea of uncertainty?

And what toll do those experiences take on him, shaping him into the man he has become?

But along with my empathy comes a deep-seated sense of unease. Soren's past is shrouded in darkness, his actions driven by a desire for power and control that seems to stem from the scars of his past.

But at the same time, Soren stands tall and proud despite the scars that mar his past. He embraces being a rogue and gives that word a new meaning.

"How long ago was this?" I ask, my voice barely above a whisper.

Caleb's expression darkens, his eyes clouded with distant memories. "About ten years ago," he replies quietly. "When it happened, Soren was around ten years old, and Grey not even a month old."

The realization hits me like a ton of bricks—Soren is the same age as my brother, perhaps even younger. The thought sends a shiver down my spine, a sudden understanding dawning within me.

Soren's maturity, his unwavering strength and determination—they are all a result of the hardships he has endured, the burdens he has carried since childhood.

That is why he acts so mature and dominant, because he has had to grow up fast, forced to shoulder the weight of the world on his young shoulders.

Caleb's words linger in the air, a heavy weight pressing down on my shoulders.

He has opened a door to Soren's past, offering a glimpse into a world that is shrouded in mystery and pain.

And yet, despite his willingness to share, I know that there are still unanswered questions lingering in the shadows, waiting to be brought into the light.

But as Caleb shifts the conversation to lighter topics, I force myself to push aside my lingering thoughts and focus on the present.

Caleb is easy to talk to. I never had friends at my pack besides my brother, so I never really got the opportunity to chat freely with someone like this.

We sit at the table, our conversation flowing easily as we exchange stories and share memories.

I tell Caleb about my pack—my brother, our bond that we forge through shared hardships and triumphs. I speak of him with a mixture of pride and longing, my heart aching at the thought of the distance that now separates us.

"Do you miss him?" Caleb asks gently, his eyes filled with empathy.

I swallow back the lump that has formed in my throat, struggling to find the words to convey the depth of my emotions.

"Every day," I admit, my voice barely above a whisper. "I know that he's out there, leading our pack with strength. And I have to believe that one day, we'll be reunited."

Caleb reaches across the table, his hand resting on mine in a gesture of comfort and solidarity. "I'm sure you will," he says softly. His eyes are also filled with tears. "Family has a way of finding each other, no matter where life takes us."

I hear the door swing open, my heart skips a beat, my pulse quickening with anticipation and anxiety.

In walks Soren, his presence commanding attention, and the other man whose name remains a mystery to me. He trails behind Soren with an air of familiarity, his movements fluid and confident, like he belongs in this space.

"What's wrong?" the man asks, his voice filled with concern as he approaches Caleb, enveloping him in a warm embrace as he searches his face for any signs of distress.

"Nothing is wrong," Caleb chuckles. "Sam and I were just sharing stories and we got emotional."

The man kisses Caleb. Okay, this must be Tyler, Caleb's mate.

My attention is quickly drawn away from their tender moment as I catch sight of Soren, his gaze fixed on me with an intensity that I have only seen last night before he bit me.

His eyes are like ice, cold and unyielding, devoid of any warmth or emotion. It is a stark contrast to the affection I witnessed between Caleb and Tyler, a reminder of the distance that still remains between Soren and me.

I swallow hard, unable to tear my eyes away from his penetrating gaze. There is something unsettling about the way he watches me, a predatory gleam in his eyes that makes me feel vulnerable and exposed.

It is as if he can see right through me, stripping away the layers of my defenses until I am left bare and defenseless before him.

I shift uncomfortably under his scrutiny, the weight of his gaze bearing down on me like a heavy burden.

I want to look away, to retreat into myself, but something holds me captive, rooted in place by the magnetic pull of his presence.

And as the silence stretches between us, thick with unspoken tension, I cannot help but wonder what lies beneath the surface of his cold facade.

I allow my gaze to roam over Soren's features. I cannot help but be captivated by his striking appearance. He is undeniably handsome, with sharp, chiseled features that speak of strength.

His lips, soft and inviting, hold a mesmerizing allure that draws me in, their pink hue a stark contrast against the dark backdrop of his attire.

Today he is dressed in his usual shades of black and grey. Soren exudes an air of mystery and sophistication, his dark curls tousled and shimmering in the soft light of the room.

There is a certain elegance to his demeanor, a quiet confidence that commands attention and respect.

But as I study him more closely, I begin to notice the subtle nuances of his appearance—the faint lines of fatigue etched into his skin, the weariness in his eyes that belies his youthful exterior.

Despite his striking beauty, there is a vulnerability about him, a fragility that lurks beneath the surface of his stoic facade.

It is then that I realize just how young Soren truly is, his age reflected in the weariness that weighs heavily upon his shoulders.

I cannot believe that I have missed it before, so caught up in the enigmatic allure of his presence that I have failed to see the vulnerability that lurks within.

Knowing that I am older than Soren awakens an instinct in me. I want to protect him, shield him from harm.

Learning about Soren's past has shifted something within me, stirring emotions that I have long kept buried beneath. I am to think that Soren is not the bad guy, Soren needs protection from the bad guys.

I know that Soren is not one to be coddled or protected. He is a force to be reckoned with, a fierce and resilient individual who has carved out his own path in a world that seeks to break him at every turn.

But before I can dwell any further on my thoughts, Tyler's voice breaks through the silence, pulling me back to the present moment. "Caleb and I are going to go now," he says, his tone light and playful as he gently tugs Caleb out of the kitchen.

I hesitate for a moment, torn between the desire to flee from Soren's unsettling gaze and the curiosity that compels me to stay. But in the end, I follow Tyler and Caleb out of the kitchen, leaving behind the enigmatic enigma of Soren as I hide in my room for the rest of the day.

Author's Note: 

Not edited yet. I apologise for any errors. 

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