Chapter 26

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We walk to Caleb's house, which is basically next door, so it only takes us a couple of minutes, Soren tries to get a peak at the a cake but each time I catch him I shove him in the other direction. 

 Grey knocks at the front door excitedly, and when Tyler opens the door, his face lights up at the pup who launches himself at him. Tyler picks him up just in time and tickles him, making grey squeal with laughter.  

"Feels like I have not seen you in forever"  Tyler tells Grey planting a kiss on his cheeks. 

Soren had packed Grey a suitcase so he can stay with Caleb and Tyler now that he was coming with me to my pack. I was afraid Grey might not be happy about his brother leaving  but when he found out he was actually thrilled, because according to him, that meant I would certainly come back. 

Tyler sets Grey down and looks at us with a welcoming smile. "Come on in." We step inside, and Caleb appears from the kitchen, wiping his hands on a dish towel. "Got everything you need, Grey?" 

Grey nods enthusiastically. "Yep!"

Caleb ruffles Grey's curls. "You're going to have a great time. Oh! Luca is hiding and wants you to find him."

Grey's eyes light up, and he runs off to find Luca. Caleb turns to me. "Luca is Grey best friend" he says taking the cake from my hand. 

I glance at Soren and nod. 

Soren wraps his hand around waist. " Tyler are you and your mate prepared?" 

Tyler nods. 

I look between them, feeling confused. "What's going on?" I ask.

"Nothing. We just have to prepare for the worst-case scenario," Soren says, turning to me. 

"I am practically giving myself up to your brother. Who knows how he'll react? What if other packs see that as an opportunity to attack the Dusk Moon Pack? If they do, I need to make sure the vulnerable wolves are safe. I have put Caleb and Tyler"

I nod, taking in Soren's words. "But my brother is a good person," I tell him, hoping to ease his worries. 

I know Timothy, he will not hurt anybody especially not children and wolves that can't defend themselves. 

"Okay, that's enough!" Caleb cuts in before Soren can respond. 

He tangles Soren off my body and drags me with him. "I'm taking your mate, Alpha. He needs to help me set up."

Soren looks like he's about to protest, but Caleb gives him a look that brooks no argument. "Fine," He mutters, but his eyes remain watchful as Caleb leads me away. 

As we head to the kitchen, Caleb leans in, whispering, "Don't worry Sam. We're just being cautious. It's good to be prepared for anything."

I nod, " I know" 

He smiles. "let's get this dinner ready. We have a lot to do, and I can really use the help."

We start setting up, and I can feel the tension slowly dissipate. Caleb's Idea to bring the cake out and sing 'happy birthday' to Soren makes me laugh because right after he says it, he takes it back shivering in fear.

When the table is set up, Tyler and Caleb take a seat followed by Grey and a blond boy about his age. This must Grey best friend. I try to say Hi but he avoids my eyes and hides behind Grey. 

Luca looked smaller and more timid, unlike Grey who was full of energy all the time. 

"Sam!"  familiar face walks in that I recognise it as William, the warrior I met at the meeting. 

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