Chapter 31

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"Timothy?!" the Luna's voice cracks with disbelief, her eyes blazing with anger. "Get them to unhand me! This is madness!"

Timothy steps forward, his expression grave and resolute. "I'm afraid I can't do that, Mother," he says, his voice steady despite the tension in the room.

 "You must face the consequences for your actions."

The guards tighten their grip on the Luna, who struggles against their hold with futile resistance. "You can't do this!" she screams, her voice echoing off the walls of the infirmary.

 "I am your mother! You owe me your loyalty!"

"Not anymore," Timothy's voice cuts through her protests, firm and unwavering. "Your betrayal has brought chaos and suffering to our pack. You conspired against Sam and endangered innocent lives. You will be held accountable."

The Luna's defiance shifts to desperation as she realise the gravity of her situation. "Timothy, please," she pleads, her voice now tinged with fear. "I did what was necessary for our pack's survival!"

Timothy's expression softens slightly, a hint of sorrow in his eyes. "There were other ways, Mother. Your hatred chose this path."

With that, the guards lead the Luna away, her cries of protest fading into the distance as they disappear down the corridor. 

The room falls into a tense silence, the aftermath of the confrontation palpable in the air. I stand there, shaken but relieved, watching as Timothy ensures the Luna is taken away. 

William approaches me cautiously, his gaze filled with concern. "Sam, are you okay?"

I nod, though the weight of everything that has transpired bears down on me. "I will be," I reply, my voice hoarse with emotion.

Timothy approaches me then, his presence a comfort amidst the chaos. He wraps his arms around me, and I instinctively hug him tight, seeking solace in his embrace. 

Tears well up in my eyes, and I sniffle into his shoulder. "Thank you," I manage to say, my voice muffled against his shirt. 

"Thank you for taking my side."

Timothy pulls away slightly, his gaze warm and reassuring. "You're my brother, Sam," he says earnestly. "From now on, I will always have your back."

His words touch me deeply, and I hug him again, silently grateful for his unwavering support. 

"There's good and bad news," he begins, his voice carrying a solemn tone. "The good news is, Alpha Charlie has left our territory. The bad news is, The Zipclaw pack will  come back stronger, bigger, and with a vengeance. They don't just want Soren—they want all of us dead."

His words sink in, the gravity of the situation settling over me like a dark cloud. 

Alpha Charlie's threat looms large, casting a shadow over Soren survival. I swallow hard, my mind racing with thoughts of what this means for our pack, for Soren, For me and for our future.

"What are we going to do?" I ask quietly, searching Timothy's face for any sign of  a plan.

Timothy's expression hardens with determination. "We prepare," he replies firmly. "We gather our allies, strengthen our defences, and we fight back. We won't let them destroy us."

"But first, we need to focus on  Soren's healing," William speaks.

Soren's condition is critical, not just for his recovery, but for the morale and leadership of our pack. "Yeah, okay," Timothy responds, his voice firm.

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