Chapter 2

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The drive to 'the dusk moon' territory is a tense and nerve-wracking two day journey for me, leaving me alone with nothing but my thoughts and the hum of the engine for company.

soon, the unfamiliar landmark of their turf comes into view and an overwhelming stance follows it. 

 My pulse quickens with anticipation as I park my car in the cover of the dense woods that border their territory.

the engine falls silent as I prepare to make the final leg of the journey on foot.

The air is thick with tension as I step out into the cool night. The forest is shrouded in darkness as I move stealthily through the underbrush.

Every rustle of leaves, every snap of twigs beneath my feet sends a shiver down my spine, my senses on high alert as I approach the edge of their territory.

Despite the fear gnawing at my gut, I push forward, driven by a sense of duty.

And then, just as I cross the threshold into enemy territory, it happens.

I barely have the time to register the figures emerging from the shadows before I am surrounded, outnumbered and outmatched. They move with swift, calculated precision, their faces masked by darkness as they close in on me.

I feel a sharp blow to the back of my head, a blinding pain exploding behind my eyes as I crumple to the ground, the world spinning dizzily around me.


When I regain consciousness I find myself bound and helpless, my limbs restrained and my vision clouded with darkness

I lay there my mind racing with thoughts of escape and survival. 

I can't help but wonder how it had all gone so wrong, so fast.

I had been so careful, I followed the plan to a tee.

for hours I am unable to move, then, the first rays of dawn filters through the small window high above, casting  faint streaks of light across the dark room.

I slowly became aware of my surroundings. 

The ache in my limbs, the stiffness in my joints, the dull throbbing of my head. All served as painful reminders of my captivity.

I try to sit up, to assess the extent of my restraints, but the ropes binding my hands and feet hold me firm, cutting into my skin with every futile struggle.

Panic surges within me as I realise the gravity of my situation, the hopelessness of my predicament sinking in like a heavy weight on my chest. 

I am as good as dead now.

I figure my fate is that I will be trapped in this dismal prison until I die of starvation or until my bladder explodes judging by how many days I've been here. 

And then, one day, in the darkness I hear the sound of footsteps approaching.

The echo of boots against the cold stone floor sends a chill down my spine. I tense involuntarily as the door creaks open, revealing a figure silhouette against the dim light of the hallway beyond.

I can't see a face, their features obscured by the shadows. but their movement are fluid and confident as they approach the bed where I lay.

With a deft motion, they untie the ropes binding my hands and feet, their touch surprisingly gentle against my raw skin.

Weak and disoriented, I struggle to sit up as they help me to my feet, The stranger supports me to the small room that turns out to be the bathroom.  

 I stumble in, the cool tiles beneath my feet offers little comfort as I lean heavily against the sink, my reflection staring back at me from the cracked mirror above.

And then, without warning, they hand me a bowl of green liquid, their voice low and menacing as they instruct me to eat.

My stomach churns at the sight of the foul-smelling concoction, my instincts screaming at me to refuse anything they give me.

"Get away from me" I grit out

when he doesn't move the slightest I throw the bowl in my hand at him, it hits him the stomach making him snarl angrily as he lunges forward and seizes me by the collar of my shirt with their gloved hand. 

They haul me to my feet with a strength that contradicted their frame. I struggle against their hold, thrashing and kicking in a desperate bid to get free, but it was no use. Their grip was ironclad. 

 Their anger unyielding as they drag me out of the room and into the dimly lit hallway beyond. Every step sents a jolt of pain shooting through my body, my muscles protesting against the rough treatment.

As we enter another dark chamber, I feel a sense of dread wash over me like a tidal wave.

This room is colder than the one I was previously in. The air heavy with a bone-chilling coldness that seems to seep into my very bones.

I shiver as the man forces me into a standing position, binding my hands and securing them to a sturdy pole with rough coarse ropes.

He leaves, and I'm barely standing, the rope around my wrist holding me still while darkness closes in.

I let out a shaky misty frigid air, my teeth chattering uncontrollably as I fight to keep the encroaching darkness at bay.

'save your energy, let me take over' my wolf voice booms in my head

I let him as my limbs grow heavy and numb with exhaustion. My wolf takes over and darkness consumes me whole until there is nothing left but the icy embrace of unconsciousness.

Time becomes meaningless in the void of darkness that envelope me. There were no dreams, no thoughts, only an endless expanse of nothingness.

I always thought that dying would hurt but this felt nice, When i open my eyes i hope i see my mom.

Sadly though a faint glimmer of awareness begins to stir within me as I start to feel my wolf trying to give me back control. 

Slowly my senses return, I start to become aware of the dull ache radiating from every fibre of my body.

My wolf is too weak to heal us. 

 I groan in pain as my muscle protest against the tight strain of my bindings.My joints are now stiff and sore from being held in the same place for so long. 

With a great effort, I force my eyes open blinking against the harsh light that filters through the cracks in the walls.

The room is still shrouded in darkness, but, there's something different about it. I try to make out the faint outline of my surroundings struggling to focus my bleary eyes.

As I am looking around, a blurry figure comes into view, seated in a chair before me making me jump in surprise.

With each blink, the image sharpens until I can make out the features of a young man with a sharp handsome face.

My breath gets caught in my throat as I look at him, my heart pounding with a mixture of fear and something else.

Brown eyes, cold and calculating look into mine with an intensity that sends cold sweats down my back.  

And then, with a mischievous grin that sends a chill coursing through my veins, he speaks. "So, we finally meet, mate," his voice was smooth and confident, laced with a hint of amusement.

The words hit me like a punch to the gut. I try to look away, to break free from his piercing gaze, but I find myself unable to move, rooted to the spot by an invisible force.

And then, in a flash of realisation hits me like a bolt of lightning.

This man, this handsome stranger with the soulless eyes and the chilling grin was none other than Soren Thornbourn, the ruthless leader of the rogue pack.

And, to my horror, he was my mate.

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