Chapter 7

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I feel a rush of disgust come over me, but below it all, there seemed to be another, stranger feeling that I couldn't quite put my finger on.

I wait to see what will happen next while holding my breath and feeling my heart race in my chest.

Soren's lips linger against my skin, and every nerve in my body screams at me to push him away and to flee from the danger that lurks within his touch. 

But as his lips trailed along my neck, leaving a trail of fire in their wake, I find myself unable to move, paralysed. 

His growl reverberates in my ear, sending a chill down my spine as I struggle to comprehend the depth of his intentions.

Then, with a suddenness that leaves me speechless, Soren's lips are on mine, pressing in a way that makes me feel almost desperate with want.

In his kiss, I can taste the raw force, the primitive yearning that ignites like a flame inside of him.

I lose myself in the intensity for a split second, allowing want and fear to blend together into a frenzied whirlwind of feelings.

But as the truth of our predicament reaches me like a tidal wave, I realise I had to fight back.

It takes a great deal of strength to pull away because his lips wouldn't let go of mine. Finally, he lets go of my wrists that he was holding, and I summon the strength to push him away, both my hands firm against his chest as I break the kiss.

Before I can stop myself, my hand swings through the air, delivering a sharp slap across Soren's cheek. 

The sound echoes in the silence that follows. 

In the aftermath of our tumultuous encounter, a heavy silence descended upon the room, broken only by the ragged sound of our breathing.

His hand rises, and I flinch, but he touches his stinging cheek. 

Shock registers on his face, his eyes burning into mine with darkness that make my skin crawl.

But despite the fear that churns in the pit of my stomach, I refuse to look away. Clinging to the fraying edge of my stubbornness. 

I meet his gaze head-on, steeling myself against the storm of emotions that threatens to overwhelm me.

For a long moment, we stay in the same position in the darkness, locked in a silent battle of wills. 

And then, with a suddenness that takes me by surprise, Soren's expression softens, a flicker of something else crossing.

His eyes are now filled with a haunting remorse that bares into me even as he averts his gaze away, leaving me feeling exposed and vulnerable in his wake.

With shaky legs, I push myself upright, my heart still racing with the fact I slapped him and I'm still alive. 

I cast a cautious glance towards Soren, but he remains resolutely turned away, his posture tense and guarded.

Maybe I shouldn't have slapped him... 


He deserved it. He's an asshole. 

Taking a deep breath to steady myself, I turn to leave, each step feeling like a struggle against the weight of the unspoken tension that lingers in the air. 

As I reach the doorway, I hesitate. 

Why am I not being treated like a hostage anymore? Does he not think I will run away? 

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