Chapter 12.

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A wave of pain washes over me, seeping into every fibre of my being. The ache is relentless, throbbing in sync with the rhythm of my heartbeat.

I groan softly, opening my eyes as I try to make sense of it all.

Blinking against the morning light streaming through the window, I squint as my surroundings come into focus.

The room is bathed in sunlight, casting warm rays across the floor and illuminating the space around me.

I shift on the bed, my movements slow, and that's when I notice it—I am naked.

Panic surges through me as the memories of the previous night flood back with startling clarity.

Soren's touch, his lips on mine, the raw intensity of our encounter—all of it comes rushing back in a dizzying whirlwind of sensations.

I can still feel the lingering heat of his skin against mine, the weight of his body pressing down on me, and his hand on me igniting a fire that burns deep within.

Then there is the pain.

The sharp sting of his bite, the searing ache as his teeth pierce my skin—it is a feeling I will never forget.

Wrapping my arms around my bare stomach, I trace my fingers over the marks that adorn my skin.

With a heavy sigh, I close my eyes, allowing the weight of exhaustion to pull me back into the realm of sleep, knowing that when I awake, I will have to confront the emotions that threaten to consume me.

I stir in my sleep as I feel gentle tapping on my shoulder; it continues until I blink my eyes open.

Before me stands an unfamiliar face—a boy with vibrant red hair and a curious expression.

"Hey there," the boy says softly, offering a tentative smile. 

"You awake?"

I blink a few times, trying to clear the fog from my mind. "Yeah, I think so," I mutter, my voice groggy with sleep.

I shift into a sitting position, rubbing my eyes with the back of my hand.

"Woah, when did that happen?" he exclaims, pointing to the spot where Soren had marked me.

My hand flies to my neck instinctively, fingers tracing over the tender skin where the bite had been.

"I don't want to talk about it," I say, point blank.

The boy's expression softens with understanding, and his gaze fills with a mix of sympathy and curiosity. "Well, it looks like it's healing. Mine looked exactly like that after Tyler marked me," he says reassuringly.

"I'm Caleb, by the way."

"I was going to ask who you are," I say.

Caleb smiles. "Soren and Tyler had to leave for pack business, so I'm here to look after you while they're gone."

I blink in confusion, trying to process his words. "Look after me?" I echo, my voice hoarse from sleep.

Caleb nods, his smile faltering slightly. "Yeah, make sure you eat and that everything's running smoothly while they're away," he explains.

I nod slowly, still feeling a bit disoriented by his unexpected presence. "Okay," I murmur, rubbing the sleep from my eyes.

"You should freshen up," he suggests, gently gesturing to the bathroom. "I'll be here when you're ready."

I offer him a small, awkward smile in return. "Thanks," I say quietly. "Um, could you, uh, turn around?"

Caleb's eyes widen in realisation, and he quickly averts his gaze, his cheeks flushing slightly. "Oh, right, sorry about that," he mumbles, turning towards the door. I watch him leave and close the door behind me.

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