Chapter 25

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I leap up and without hesitation captured his lips in a quick kiss, it felt like second nature to kiss him and when I feel him lean into me for more I can't help but push him back. 

"go shower" I tell him 

"wanna join me?" 

I scoff "as if!" 

That makes him scoff back as if to mock me but he complies with my request and disappears into the bathroom but not before  grumbling under his breath about how he's going to get me back.   I rummage through his wardrobe trying to find a  stylish yet simple outfit for him, mindful of his taste and the occasion. 

A sleek black dress shirt catches my eye, it's fabric is soft to the touch, I pair it with a grey textured trousers that exudes sophistication in my opinion. I have always liked men who dressed up.  I even go as far as choosing his socks and shoes, ensuring every detail was perfect for his birthday. 

With Soren's outfit sorted, I dash over to Grey's room, finding the young pup seated patiently on his bed. 

"I am sorry grey, I'm so late but I had to distract your brother" I tell him feeling bad that he had to wait so long for me. 

"Did Soren see the cake?" he whispers anxiously, his voice barely above a breath. 

I shake my head reassuringly. "No, he's taking a shower," I tell him, a smile tugging at the corners of my lips. "We'll surprise him together okay?" 


I turn my attention to his wardrobe, selecting a cute outfit that matched the occasion and he disappears into the bathroom to change. He comes out moments later, his curls tousled but adorable so I ran my fingers through them gently, smoothing them into place. It's crazy how he looks like a mini version of his brother but way cuter.

"Perfect," I say, admiring him. "You're all set."

"Thank you, Sam, for being here" Grey says, his eyes big and sincere. "I'm happy that you are Soren's mate."

I smile at him but I felt guilty. I focus on tying his shoe-laces but I know it's the time to tell him now. 

" Grey, I have something to tell you buddy, something important" I gently begin 

He nods, "What is it?" he asks, his voice barely above a whisper. 

"I have to leave for a few days," I say gulping, trying to keep my tone light. "But I promise I'll be back soon."

Instantly,  Grey face falls. "You're leaving?" he asks, his voice cracking with fear. 

"But... what if you don't come back?"

My heart aches at his words.  I reach out, placing a comforting hand on his shoulder. "I know it's scary," I say softly.

 "But I promise you, I'm coming back. I would never leave you alone."

Tears well up in his eyes, and he blinks them away quickly, trying to be brave. "But what if something happens?" he whispers, his voice trembling. "Soren will be sad If something happens to you" 

I pull him into a tight hug feeling his small body shake with  suppressed sobs. "Nothing's going to happen to me or you or anyone" I say firmly.

 "I'll be back before you know it, and we'll bake cookies and have more fun. You're not alone, and you never will be."

Grey Clings to me, his small hands  gripping tightly. "Promise?" he asks, his voice muffled against my shirt.

"I promise," I say, pulling back to look into the boy's eyes. "Cross my heart."

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