Chapter 16

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I sit in the passenger seat, dressed in clothes that belong to Soren, his scent overwhelmed me and made me feel on edge but the soft melodies of the radio floating through the car, accompanied by Grey's gentle humming from the back seat was creating a soothing ambiance that contrasts with the whirlwind of thoughts racing through my mind.

Why has Soren suddenly decided to take me shopping?

'because we have no clothes to wear?'

 Where exactly are we headed? ...Out of the territory?

These questions circle in my mind like restless birds, pecking at the edges of my consciousness with persistent curiosity.

Glancing out of the window, I watch the passing scenery blur into streaks of colour. The familiar streets and buildings seem to slip away, replaced by landscapes. 

Soren's sudden change in behaviour leaves me feeling unsettled. 

He is usually so aloof, cold, and distant, his actions veiled in layers of mystery and calculation. But now, he has taken a sudden interest in me, kissing and giving me a 'hand' this morning. 

oH NO, don't think about! 

 I also can't remember the last time he looked at me with a cold, empty stare!

 Now he is offering me his clothes and taking me shopping.. 

...It is almost as if to integrate me into his world more deeply.

What if that's what it is?! 

Is he manipulating me to submit to him?

As the car rolls along the road, I can't help but wonder about Soren's intentions.

Is this his way of asserting control over me, or is there something more beneath the surface?

And why can't I deny the allure of him?!

Lost in my thoughts, I barely notice when the car comes to a stop, jolting me back to the present.

 I turn to Soren, who sits beside me with his characteristic air of calm confidence, his eyes focused ahead with unwavering focus. With a silent nod, he gestures for me to follow him, and I step out of the car.

As we arrive at the shopping centre, I can't help but feel a sense of familiarity. "Are we still in your territory?" I ask, my voice betraying a hint of uncertainty.

He nods, a faint smirk playing on his lips. "Why? Thinking of running?" he teases, his tone light but tinged with an underlying edge.

Was he scared I was going to try and run... If I tried he would catch me in seconds. 

I shake my head quickly, dismissing the Idea. "Just wondering," I reply, trying to mask the unease that settles at the edges of my mind.

Despite Soren playful demeanour, there is something about his presence that always makes me feel like I am walking on thin ice. 

I am never quite sure where I stand with him.

Soren merely chuckles in response, his eyes gleaming with amusement. "Relax, Sam. I won't bite," he assures me, though the mischievous glint in his eyes suggests otherwise.

I offer him a tentative smile, though I can't shake the feeling that there is more to his words than meets the eye because he does bite. 

As we step out of the car and into the bustling shopping centre, Grey grabs my hand. We make our way through the throngs of people, with Soren leading the way with a confident stride while we trail behind, trying to keep up with his brisk pace.

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