Chapter 11 ⚠️

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There is only silence between us now, the weight of my words hanging heavy in the air. Then, with a slow, deliberate movement, Soren reaches out, his hand coming to rest gently against my cheek.

His touch is surprisingly tender, a stark contrast to the intensity of the desire that still simmers between us.

"Good," he murmurs, his voice soft but laced with an undercurrent of something I can't quite decipher.

"You're the one person I don't want to be scared of me."

His words send a ripple of confusion through me. I hadn't expected him to react this way.

I try to make sense of his words but I can't.

Soren leans in, pressing his lips to mine in a lingering kiss that leaves me breathless once again.

I am lost in the kiss that I don't even notice when he removes the pillow or when he guides me to lie back down until I feel his hands back on my cock, stroking me up and down.

The sensation makes me feel dizzy as the combination of his kiss and his hand on me overwhelms my very existence.

His lips leave my lips but they trace my chin and cheek in gentle kisses. "Soren," I let out a whimper.

I can no longer contain the sounds coming from my throat as I feel one of his fingers on the tip of my cock. "Don't," I breathe out.

He starts to move fast up and down as his lips find mine again, silencing my whimpers.

I start to twist and turn, trying to get away from the pleasures he is giving; it is now getting too much for me.

I feel tightness in my stomach as my legs start to shake. Out of nowhere, Soren's hands are off me and his lips pull away. My senses are ablaze with the heady rush of desire.

His face lingers close to mine.

Soren's eyes bore into mine, dark and intense, sending a shiver down my spine as I struggle to focus amidst the haze of pleasure that clouds my mind.

"Tell me you're mine and I will let you cum."

A jolt of awareness snaps me back to reality.

His breath is hot against my skin as he presses his lips to mine in a tender kiss. The words hang in the air between us, heavy with unspoken implications.

It is a claim of ownership, a statement of possession that sends a thrill coursing through my veins.

But even as the heat of his touch threatens to consume me, I know that I cannot simply surrender to the pull of his magnetic presence.

I am my own person, I am a beta, I belong with my pack, not here.

"I am not yours," I declare, my voice strong and unwavering. "I am my own man. I won't submit to you."

At my words, Soren's expression hardens in frustration, and I brace myself for the repercussions of what I have just done.

His dark eyes are different now, beneath them something else, something raw and primal flickers. His whole demeanour shifts in an instant.

His lips peel back, revealing a flash of gleaming fangs as he lunges forward with terrifying speed.

The pain is sharp and searing as his teeth sink into my neck, sending a wave of agony coursing through my veins.

I cry out, my voice echoing in the empty room as I struggle against the overwhelming force of his assault.

Soren's mouth is pressed against my skin, his breath hot and heavy against my neck as I feel the warmth of my own blood spilling over his lips, staining them crimson as he savours it.

It is a brutal display of dominance, a stark reminder of the power he will now forever have over me.

He finally pulls away, his mouth stained with my blood. I feel a surge of fear and confusion wash over me.

I reach up to touch the wound, my fingers coming away slick with crimson. The pain throbs relentlessly, a constant reminder of the mark he has left upon me.

Soren has marked me, branding me with the indelible imprint of his dominance.

I gaze into his eyes, dark and inscrutable, realising that I am now bound to him in ways I could never have imagined.

"You did this," he growls at me.

His words send a shiver down my spine as I lay there, stunned and vulnerable beneath him.

"Now you belong to me and me only. The only thing that will break my mark is death."

His words hang heavy in the air, sinking into my bones like a weight I cannot shake.

I stare up at him, my eyes filled with tears as my heart pounds in my chest.

"I didn't ask for this," I whisper, my voice barely audible. "Why?"

Soren's expression softens slightly, a hint of regret flickering in his eyes as he looks down at me.

His hand reaches out to gently brush against my cheek, and I flinch in fear. "You're mine," he says softly, his voice tinged with something that sounds almost like tenderness. "You can be your own person, but you are my person. Mine. I can't lose you."

His words send a jolt of confusion coursing through me.

Soren's thumb brushes over the mark on my neck, a sharp pang of pain shoots through me, causing me to instinctively whimper.

I lift my hand and slap his away, hoping to push him away from me. But Soren's response is swift and decisive as he grabs my wrist in a firm grip.

With an annoyed sigh, his fingers close around my skin with a strength that leaves no room for resistance, holding me in place with a forceful determination.

I struggle against his hold, trying to break free from his grasp, but it is like trying to escape the grip of iron chains.

His grip is unyielding, his fingers digging into my skin with a force that borders on painful.

"Stay still," he commands, his voice low and authoritative as he forces my hands down by my sides.

Trapped beneath his gaze, I can do nothing but endure as he continues to assess the mark on my neck with careful precision, his touch sending shivers down my spine.

Once again, his thumb brushes over the mark, the pain intensifies. I grit my teeth, trying to suppress the cry that threatens to escape my lips.

The pain is unbearable, radiating outwards from the mark in pulsating waves that leave me wanting to puke. "Soren, please stop," I plead.

He leans in closer, his warm breath ghosting over my skin. His touch is now oddly soothing, despite the pain it causes, and I find myself leaning into his touch, seeking comfort in his warmth.

I feel his tongue trace over the wound, and soon the pain starts to ebb away, replaced by a strange tingling sensation that spreads through my body like wildfire.

It is a feeling unlike anything I have ever experienced before, a mixture of pleasure and pain that leaves me feeling both exhilarated and disoriented.

I close my eyes, trying to block out everything as I focus on steadying my breathing.

Finally, after what feels like an eternity, Soren releases his hold on my wrists as he stops licking my mark.

It doesn't hurt anymore, but there is a surge of energy coursing through me as I push Soren away from me, my hands trembling as I struggle to catch my breath.

He stumbles backward, surprise flickering across his features as he looks at me with a mixture of concern and confusion.

I pull the blankets and cover myself.

"Get out," I tell him.

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