Chapter 8

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I take a seat at the table, feeling a sense of awkwardness settle over me as I glance around the room, acutely aware of the tension that lingers between Soren and me.

I think he is still mad about the slap.

As I begin to eat, the silence stretches between us, broken only by the sound of utensils clinking against plates and the faint hum of the refrigerator.

And then, just as I am starting to relax into the rhythm of the meal, the sound of footsteps echoes through the kitchen, signaling the arrival of another presence.

I look up to see a man entering the room, his expression neutral as he moves with purpose towards the fridge.

Without a word, he retrieves something to eat before turning his attention to Grey, his tone firm yet gentle as he addresses the young boy. "Grey, let's go. Caleb is waiting in the car to take you to school," he says, his voice carrying a note of authority.

Grey's response is immediate, a plaintive whine escaping his lips as he turns to Soren, his eyes pleading. "I want you to take me to school," he insists, his bottom lip jutting out in a pout.

I watch the exchange, noting the subtle shift in Soren's demeanour as he turns towards Grey.

Gone is the guarded intensity I had seen moments before, replaced instead by a softness that seems to envelop him like a cloak.

With a sigh, Soren reaches out to ruffle Grey's hair affectionately, a small smile tugging at the corners of his lips. "Alright, little one," he concedes, his voice gentle yet firm. "I'll take you to school."

Soren's cold gaze fixes on me, his earlier warmth replaced by an icy demeanor. "You're coming too," he orders, his tone leaving no room for argument.

A glimmer of relief flickers within me at the prospect of leaving the confines of the house.

Without hesitation, I rise from my seat, a sense of anticipation building within me as I follow Soren's lead.

He retrieves what appears to be Grey's school bag, and I watch with a mixture of curiosity and eagerness as he prepares a quick lunch for the little boy.

I feel small hands grab mine, and look down to see Grey holding my hand.

"I'm happy, I have another brother to play with," Grey remarks, his voice filled with genuine excitement. "Soren never has time to play with me anymore."

So Soren is his brother?

A smile tugs at the corners of my lips as I squeeze his hand gently, a silent reassurance that I will play with him until I find a way to escape this hellhole.

Grey and I walk outside, the cold breeze of the morning air brushing against my skin. It feels amazing.

I see a sleek black car park in front of us, the driver gets out and throws the key to Soren, who catches it as he is closing the house door.

Grey wastes no time in climbing into the backseat. I follow suit, settling into the seat beside him with a sense of excitement bubbling within me as Soren slides into the driver's seat and starts the engine.

As the car glides through the streets, I find myself unable to tear my gaze away from the window, my eyes fixed on the passing scenery with disbelief.

Soren's territory is not at all what I expected. Instead of the gritty, rundown streets I had envisioned, the neighborhood is surprisingly clean and well-maintained, with lush trees lining the sidewalks and neat rows of houses stretching into the distance.

I watch in fascination as people go about their daily lives, walking, chatting with neighbors, and going about their business in a way that seems remarkably normal.

There is no sense of menace or danger in the air, no indication that this is the territory of a notorious rogue wolf.

The car comes to a stop outside a nondescript building that I assume is Grey's school. I can't help but feel a sense of wonder at the sight before me.

It is as if I have stumbled into a parallel universe, one where the lines between rival rogue packs blur and the concept of good and evil becomes less defined.

Grey jumps out of the car, his backpack bouncing on his shoulders as he waves goodbye to Soren and me before darting into the school with carefree energy.

I watch him go with a mixture of fondness. I can't believe that these two are really brothers.

Soren waits until Grey is safely inside the school before starting the car and pulling away from the curb.

As we drive away from the school, the silence in the car is palpable, weighing heavy on my shoulders as I struggle to find the right words to break the tension that hangs between us like a thick fog.

And then, finally, I find the courage to speak, my voice tentative as I voice the question that has been nagging at me since Grey's unexpected appearance.

"I didn't know you had a brother," I admit, the words slipping out before I can stop them.

Soren's eyes meet mine in the rearview mirror, his gaze piercing before he turns his attention back to the road ahead.

"That is because you don't know me," his response is curt, his tone laced with a hint of irritation. "yet."

I bristle at his dismissive tone, my eyes narrowing as I shoot him a glare before turning away, my gaze now fixed on the passing scenery outside the window.

It is clear that Soren is not interested in this conversation, and I have no desire to push the issue further.

As the car comes to a stop outside the familiar surroundings of the house, a wave of annoyance washes over me.

I hesitate, reluctant to step out into the house that is my own prison cell. But with a heavy sigh, I know that I have no other choice.

Anything is better than the cold silence that has settled between Soren and me.

As I reach for the door handle, preparing to exit the car, a sudden tug on my t-shirt sleeve brings me to a halt.

I turn to see Soren's hand gripping my sleeve, his expression unreadable as he holds me in place with a firm grip.

"You came here to gather information on me, right?" Soren asks.

Soren's voice cuts through the heavy silence, his words hanging in the air like a dark cloud of accusation.

I feel a chill run down my spine.

I struggle to find the words to respond.

I swallow hard, trying to keep my composure as I meet his gaze. "I...I don't know what you're talking about," I reply, my voice barely above a whisper.

But even as the words leave my lips, I know that they hold little weight in the face of Soren's unwavering scrutiny.

His eyes feel like they can see right through me, like they have already stripped away the layers of deception.

"Don't lie to me," he warns, his voice tinged with a hint of menace. "The Midnight Pack wants to gather information on me and my pack. But why? It's not like they can do anything."

His voice is laced with a hint of amusement that only serves to fuel my frustration.

"Come with me and gather all the information you need," he says, his tone casual yet insistent.

I can't help but feel a surge of confusion at his words, my brows furrowing in disbelief.

Why would he offer me such unrestricted access to his world, knowing full well that I have been sent here to gather intelligence on him and his gang?

"Why?" I ask, unable to mask the skepticism in my voice.

"Isn't it stupid to be sharing all of that with me, knowing that I will use it against you?"

To my surprise, Soren's response is a laugh, a sound that grates against my nerves and fuels the anger bubbling within me.

His laughter is mocking, taunting, as if he finds amusement in my predicament.

"I'm sharing with you because you will never use it against me," he says, his voice dripping with smugness.

His words strike a nerve, but his laughter seems to fuel the flames of my anger.

I fling open the car door and step out onto the pavement.

"You will see!" I growl defiantly, my voice laced with anger as I slam the car door shut behind me.

But before I can take another step, I am suddenly pinned against the vehicle, Soren's powerful frame pressing hard against mine.

"Get off me!" I growl.

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