Chapter 19

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I shake my head, confusion swirling in my mind as I try to make sense of his actions. "I didn't try  leave," I insist, my voice faltering as his grip tightens.

Soren's expression softens slightly, a flicker of emotion crossing his features as he speaks. "I can't bear the thought of losing you," he confesses, his voice barely above a whisper. 

"I thought I died- that feeling was worse than death- you can't leave me, ever"

His words hang heavy in the air, and the weight of his fear and desperation is out in the room. 

 As I meet his gaze, I see the depth of his vulnerability and the raw emotion shining through the mask he wears.

"I won't leave," I promise, my voice barely audible as I feel the tension in the room begin to ease.

 "Soren. I'm not going anywhere."

I am not saying those words to make him calm down, I meant them. He marked me, I have no where to go. 

Being marked by an alpha meant you now belonged to his pack and because Soren is a rogue, the mark has also made me a rogue. My pack won't want me anymore. 

Tension crackles in the air between us, his eyes piercing into mine with the same intensity that I haven't seen for a while.  

"I'm sorry," I murmur, feeling the weight of his fear and frustration bearing down on me.

Soren's expression softens slightly but there's still hardness in his eyes. 

But his grip remains firm as he speaks, his voice a low rumble in the quiet room. "I can't lose you," he says, his tone filled with desperation. " I will do whatever it takes to keep you safe, even if it means binding you to this bed forever."

His eyes bore into mine making me  feel exposed and vulnerable. 

"I'm sorry, okay?" I whisper, feeling tears pricking at the corners of my eyes. "I didn't mean to worry you. I won't do it again."

"I hope not," he says, his voice tinged with a hint of warning. 

I nod, feeling a sense of resignation settle over me. 

I lift my wrist up "Can you untie me?" I ask him 


And as Soren turns and leaves the room, leaving me alone, I can't shake the feeling that I am trapped, caught in a web of his making with no way out.

There is no escaping this; there is no way to reason with him. Soren is convinced that I am going to run away, and nothing I say or do will change his mind. 

My mind races with ways of getting out of this situation, I need to prove to him that I am not going anywhere and that I am committed to staying by his side.

But no matter how hard I try, I can't come up with a solution that doesn't involve submitting to him in some way.


The word makes my heart race and my palms sweat. In the beginning he said he will make me submit to him.  If I do, He wins. 

I can continue to fight against him, to struggle against the bonds that hold me captive, but what will that accomplish? 

Soren is determined to keep me by his side, and he will do whatever it takes to ensure that I don't leave him. 

And if that means keeping me tied up like a prisoner, then so be it. 

By submitting to Soren, I will be acknowledging that he owns me, my body, and my soul. I will be surrendering my independence, my freedom, and everything I stand for. 

Apart of me knows that he won't take my independence or freedom away from me, Soren is not a bad mate. 

 I can submit to Soren, give in to his control, and allow him to claim me as his own.But It goes against every fibre of my being. What if one day he gets bored of me and decides that he no longer wants me? If that happens will I turn into my mother?...

I sniffle back tears at the thought of my mom. 

 I will submit to Soren, not because I want to, but because I have to. It is the only way to gain his trust and if in the future if he decides that he doesn't want me, I won't blame him. I will blame myself because I have chosen this knowing everything. 


Soren returns to the room after a while. A sense of conflict tightens in my chest. I watch him closely, unsure of what he is about to do.

His presence is overwhelming and penetrating. Without a word, he approaches me, his steps deliberate and purposeful. 

He sits down beside me, his eyes never leaving mine. Then, with a sudden movement, he reaches out and gently cups my cheeks in his hands.

I freeze, my breath catching in my throat as his touch sends a jolt of electricity coursing through me. His fingers are warm against my skin, and his touch is both tender and possessive.

And then, before I can react, his lips are on mine, soft and yielding. It is a gentle kiss and a fleeting caress that leaves me reeling. 

But as our lips meet, a flood of emotions washes over me: fear, desire, and uncertainty.

I find myself returning the kiss, my lips moving in sync with his. 

As the kiss finally breaks, I open my eyes to find Soren staring back at me, his expression unreadable. But there is something in his eyes—a flicker of emotion, a hint of something deeper.

As I gather my courage to speak, the weight of my words hangs heavy in the air. Soren's gaze bores into me, his eyes searching mine for any sign of deceit or doubt. 

"Soren, I want you to believe me when I tell you that  I did not run away," I begin, my voice trembling slightly despite my efforts to remain steady.

 "But I know you won't believe me.  But you need to believe me when I tell you that I submit" 

The words hang in the air,  I wait with bated breath, unsure of how Soren will respond. 

Will he accept my submission, or will he reject it, pushing me away once again?

As I look into his eyes, I see a myriad of emotions flicker across his face: surprise, disbelief, and hope. He seems at a loss for words, his expression unreadable. And then, slowly, almost imperceptibly, his features soften, a flicker of something akin to relief crossing his features.

I hold my breath, waiting for his response, my heart pounding in my chest. And then, to my surprise and relief, a small smile tugs at the corners of Soren's lips. 

It is a tentative smile, hesitant yet genuine, as though he can't quite believe what he is hearing.

"Sam..." His voice wavers, betraying the storm of emotions raging within him. " What did you just say?" 

I meet his gaze unwaveringly, my resolve firm despite the tremors of uncertainty coursing through me. " I am submitting to you" I repeat. 

my heart pounds with fear.

Soren's breath catches in his throat, . And then, without a word, he closes the distance between us, his lips crashing against mine with a ferocity that steals my breath away.

The kiss is fierce and possessive, a silent declaration of his desire and my submission. I melt into him, my senses overwhelmed by the heady rush of his touch, his taste, and his scent.

As our lips move together in a desperate dance of need and longing, I feel a flood of emotions washing over me: desire, fear, and a profound sense of belonging. 

In that moment, there is no doubt, no hesitation—only the raw, unbridled passion that consumes us both.

Author's Note: 

So I posted these three chapter at once because I won't post for a couple of days as I need to catch up on my uni work. 

But trust me, the wait will be worth it. heehe. 

Hope you enjoyed this chapter. 

Don't forget to vote. 

See you next chapter!

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