Chapter 6

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Soren's parting words echo in my mind, a chilling reminder of the hell that lay ahead.

His threat hangs heavy in the air, suffocating me with its power as I stand there in the silence of the room.

He has made it clear that he would not rest until he has stripped me of my dignity and reduced me to nothing. But I refuse to let him win. I refuse to succumb to his cruelty and his tyranny.

I may be his hostage, at the mercy of his whims, but I would never surrender my sense of self to him.


Days pass in a blur of captivity, each one blending into the next in a haze of fear. Luckily There was no sign of Soren for days. Yet, I still find  myself trapped in a vicious cycle of anticipation and dread.

Every morning, I would steel myself for the inevitable confrontation with Soren but it never comes.

I prepare to face the torments he has promised me but the days pass without any sign of him, leaving me to wonder when he would strike next.

The endless days wear me down, chipping away at my sanity until I can feel myself teetering on the brink of collapse.

I turn to my side letting out a sigh.

It was now night time and I couldn't sleep. 

Restlessness courses through my veins like a fever, my senses heightening by the uneasy  stirrings of my wolf.

He has been like this for the past two nights, sleeps all day but wakes up during the night and keeps me awake.

With a heavy sigh, I push myself up from the bed, the cool touch of the wooden floor beneath my feet making me shiver.

I walk towards the door, I twist it fully expecting it to be locked, But to my surprise, the knob turns easily beneath my touch.

The door swing open with an eerie creak that echoes through the silence of the house.

My heart skips a beat as I step out into the dimly lit hallway, my senses on high alert as the primal instincts of my wolf surged to the forefront of my consciousness.

I could feel its restless energy threatening to overwhelm my rational mind. And then, without warning, it happens. A surge of power courses through my body, a primal force that  emanate from the very depths of my soul.

I watch in horror as my limbs moved of their own accord, my movements guided by the raw instincts of my wolf.

"what are you doing?" I speak trying to fight against him.

It was no use. I couldn't gain control of my body. My wolf was too strong, it's will overpowering my own with ruthless efficiency.

I stumble forward, my mind clouded by the primal urges of my wolf, I was no longer in control of anything anymore.

I feel a surge of panic course through me. My instincts scream at me to flee, But try as I might, I find myself unable to resist the pull of my wolf.

A sense of dread gnawns at my insides as I catch a whiff of Soren's unmistakable scent drifting through the air.

My heart pounds in my chest as I struggle against the iron grip of my wolf. I was powerless to resist its command, forced to obey it's every whim as it leads me further into the hallway.

I climb the flight of stairs, my movements guided by my wolf. Each foot fall softly echo in the silence of the night.

And then, finally, we reached the door at the top of the stairs, the source of Soren's scent beckoning to me like a siren's call.

With a sense of resignation, I reach out and push the door open, revealing the darkness beyond.

I step into the room and my heart sinks at the sight that greets me.

There, lying on the bed, was Soren Thornbourn, his usually stoic demeanour replaced by one of agony and torment.

He thrashes and writhes in the grip of an unseen force, his features contorted in pain as his fingers clutch desperately at the sheets beneath him.

I watch in stunned silence as he groans and whimpers, sweat beads down on his brow as he struggles against his nightmare.

It was a sight that fills me with a strange mixture of pity and unease, seeing the ruthless rogue leader reduced to such a vulnerable state.

I hesitate, unsure of what to do. Part of me wanted to leave him to his suffering, to revel in the rare glimpse of weakness that he so obviously hides from the world.

But another part of me couldn't help but feel a twinge of empathy for the man who had held me captive for so long.

With a heavy sigh, I step closer to the bed, my gaze never leaving Soren's anguished form.

I reach out a tentative hand, hesitating for a moment before placing it gently on his shoulder, offering what little comfort I could in the midst of his torment.

To my surprise, Soren's struggles ease at my touch, his movements becoming less frantic as he slowly begins to calm.

He opens his eyes.

.... ....

Our eyes met, and in a fleeting instant, I see a vulnerability in him that I had never witnessed before, beneath all the hardened exterior.

And as I stand there, watching over him in the dim light of the room, I can't help but wonder what kind demons haunts his dreams.

I feel his hand on my wrist, the tingles shock me. I try to move them but then his firm grip find my other hand, he now has both of my wrist in one tight grip. 

I look at him with wide eyes. He smiles at me?

His smile catches me off-guard as I stumbled forward in surprise. Before I know it, I am  falling, tumbling onto the bed with Soren beneath me.

Panic surges through me as I struggle to push myself upright but Soren's powerful arms hold me in place, trapping me against him. 

The strength of his embrace both comforting and suffocating.

Every instinct screams at me to break free, to flee from his grasp and the tangled web of emotions that threatens to engulf me.

But as I squirm against him, trying in vain to escape I can feel tension drain from his body, his muscles relax against mine as he clings to me with an almost desperate hold.

I consider fighting back but something holds me back. Soren places his head in between my neck and shoulder blades.

I squirm uncomfortably beneath him as I feel a strange unease swirling in the pit of my stomach.

I try once again to shift away, to put some distance between us and escape the suffocating closeness of his embrace.

But before I can move more than a few inches, I feel Soren's grip tighten around me, his low growl sending a jolt of fear coursing through me.

Frozen in place, I watch in terror as Soren's lips brush against my neck, his breath hot against my skin. 

Authors note:

thank u for the votes. hope ur enjoying so far.

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