Chapter 24

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Author's Note: 

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As Caleb drives us to Grey's school, I find myself lost in a whirlwind of thoughts and emotions. The weight of our now shared goal to bring down the Zipclaw pack bearing down on me like a leaden cloak. 

Although I meant it when I told Soren that I am going to stand by side I felt scared to be on his side. People see this side as the bad side. I once thought this side was bad..

Being shut away from my world I forgot how much the other packs wanted- WANT Soren dead.. How much my brother wants him Dead.. What will I even say to my brother when I go back?

I stare out the window, watching the world pass by in a blur of colours and shapes and before I know it we are pulling up to Grey's school.  The sound of children's laughter and the hustle and bustle of the schoolyard fills the air as I take a deep breath. 

The car door swings open and Grey bounces in with the exuberance only a child like him could muster. "You're here!" he exclaims, his face lighting up with excitement when he spots me in the passenger seat.

"Hello? I'm here too!" Caleb grumbles, his annoyance evident in his tone as Grey's attention bypasses him entirely.

Ignoring Caleb's displeasure, Grey turns to me with a wide grin, showing me a bright red card in his hand. 

"Look what I made!" he exclaimed proudly. "It's for Soren. It's his birthday present!"

My heart skips a beat at his words. Today was Soren's birthday? The realisation hits me like a punch to the gut, filling me with a mix of guilt.

 "Wow," I manage to say, trying to mask my surprise with a forced smile. "That's really thoughtful of you, Grey. Your brother is going to love it"

Grey beams at my praise, his excitement undimmed by my subdued reaction. Why did today have to be his birthday? Out of all days?! When I'm about to leave. I want to give him a good birthday. 

 I turn to Caleb with a glimmer of excitement in my eyes as an idea comes to mind.   "Can we go to the mall?" I ask him, my voice filled with excitement.

"I want to make a cake for Soren for his birthday." I add and Caleb's eyebrows shoot up in surprise. 

A smile tugs at the corners of his lips. "You sure about that?" he wonders, his tone tinged with amusement. " It might not go as planned" 

Grey bounces in his seat with excitement. "Can I help?" he chimes in eagerly. 

I nod unable to contain my own excitement at the prospect of making Soren's birthday special.

 "Of course you can, Grey," I say, a warmth spreading through my chest.

Caleb drives to the mall, we get out of the car I take Grey hand afraid I will lose him in the crowd. 

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