Chapter 29

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I stay seated against the cold wall, waiting anxiously for the footsteps I desperately want to hear. When they finally echo through the corridor, I know Timothy is here. I can smell his familiar scent even before his face appears. 

I quickly stand up as he comes into view. "Tim," I exhale, relief and hope flooding my voice.

But instead of the warm embrace I long for, I'm met with a cold, hard stare. The Luna's voice beams beside him, triumphant and venomous. "You see, Timmy, as I said, he is marked and bonded with none other than Soren Thornbourn."

I realise she is standing right next to him for the first time, her presence a dark shadow over the moment. Timothy's face is a mask of conflicting emotions, but the hardness in his eyes cuts me deeply.

The Luna's voice slices through the tension, addressing Timothy with a tone that drips with manipulation. 

"Timothy, my son. Let him go. He's never been your brother, and now he belongs to the pack-less."

My heart pounds in my chest as I watch Timothy's expression. The love I know he has for me is there, buried beneath layers of anger and betrayal. 

"Tim, I did not betray you okay" I plead, taking a step closer. "I'm still your brother."

He looks at me, his eyes searching mine, and for a moment, I see a flicker of the Timothy I know. But the Luna's influence is strong. "Sam," he says, his voice strained. "How could you do this? How could you mate with him? Do you know what this means?"

"I know," I reply, my voice shaking. "I'm sorry."

The Luna sneers, her eyes glinting with malice. "Tell him, Timothy, tell him what you are going to do with his so-called mate."

Anger surges through me, and I growl at her, my voice low and dangerous. "You're not going to touch a strand of Soren's hair, for I swear to the goddess, I will rip you to shreds with my teeth."

The Luna takes a step back, her face pale with shock. I have never talked back to her, let alone threatened her. I don't know what has come over me, but the thought of her harming Soren ignites a fierce protective instinct within me.

"You're finally showing your true colours, dear Sam," she spits, trying to regain her composure.

I stand my ground, the defiance in my eyes unwavering. "I won't let you hurt him," I say, my voice steady and filled with conviction.

Timothy's face is a mask of turmoil, torn between his loyalty towards his mother and his love for me. "Sam," he begins, but his voice falters. 

He looks at the Luna, then back at me, the conflict in his eyes clear.

"Timothy, please," I implore, my heart aching. "You know me. You know I would never betray our pack willingly. Soren is different. He's not the enemy."

The Luna's gaze hardens, and she steps closer to Timothy, her voice a poisonous whisper. "He's chosen his side, Timothy. Now you must choose yours."

Timothy's jaw clenches, his hands balling into fists. "Sam," he says, his voice heavy with sorrow, "I have to think of the pack first. I have to put our people first because you have put everything at risk."

"I didn't choose this," I say, desperation creeping into my voice. "But I won't abandon Soren, just like I won't abandon you."

The Luna steps closer to Timothy, her voice a poisonous whisper. "He's chosen his side, Timothy. Now you must choose yours." she repeats. I wanted to slap her. 

Timothy's eyes flick to her, then back to me. The conflict within him is palpable, but he takes a deep breath and squares his shoulders. "Sam you hurt me," he says, his voice heavy with sorrow, "I will always think of the pack first."

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