Chapter 10

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I turn around when I feel someone tap my shoulder, my gaze meeting the man's clear blue eyes. His blonde hair frames a rugged yet handsome face, and his build exudes the strength of a warrior.

He extends his hand towards me, a friendly smile playing on his lips. "I'm William," he introduces himself, his voice warm and inviting. "I am one of the warriors here."

I hesitate for a minute, surprised by his sudden appearance and the friendly gesture. But after a beat, I shake his hand firmly, returning his smile with a cautious nod. "Sam," I say, keeping my tone neutral as I size him up.

"It's a pleasure to meet you, Sam," William continues, his smile widening. "I've heard a lot about you. Alpha Soren has been keeping you quite the secret from us," he remarks, his tone teasing. His expression turns more serious as he speaks. "But now that you're here, I'm sure you'll find your place among us. The Dusk Moon Warriors are a tight-knit pack, but we welcome newcomers with open arms."

I almost snicker at that because his words are too contradicting to everything I have heard about the Dusk Moon pack.

"Why does everyone call him alpha?" I ask William. He said he was one of the warriors. If I didn't ask him, who would I ask?

I knew that I couldn't ask Soren this question, so William was my best bet, and he was nice.

William regards me with a solemn expression, his blue eyes reflecting the weight of his words as he speaks. "Sometimes being an alpha is more than a title," he explains, his tone measured.

"It's something you're born with, a part of your very essence. And even if that title is stripped from you, that doesn't mean you stop being an alpha."

The idea that Soren is more than just a rogue, that he had once held the esteemed title of alpha does not seem so far out of reach. It would actually make sense.

That would explain his strength, his dominating aura.

"Does that mean Soren was once an alpha?" I venture, my mind racing with possibilities.

William's expression shifts, a fleeting glimpse of empathy crossing his features. "Yes," he confirms.

"Soren Thornbourn was born to be one of the most powerful alphas this world had ever seen. But fate has a way of changing things, and now he walks a different path," he shrugs.

Before I could dwell further on William's cryptic explanation, I feel hands on my waist, causing me to freeze in place.

A jolt of electricity shoots through me as I turn to see Soren standing behind me. I turn my head slightly to face him, my heart pounding in my chest as I meet his gaze.

His eyes, dark and intense, bore into mine with a chilling intensity, his expression unreadable as he regards me with cool detachment. "We're leaving," he says, his voice low and commanding.

Soren's grip tightens around me, pulling me closer to him. I feel a surge of conflicting emotions wash over me—fear and a strange, inexplicable pull towards him that I couldn't yet shake.

Without a word, Soren turns away from me and glares at William, his demeanor ice-cold before he leads me away from the conversation and towards the exit.

I glance back at William, his enigmatic gaze following us with a knowing look.

Soren continues to drag me back to the house, his grip on my waist tight. His fingers start digging into my skin with a force that makes me wince.

I glance up at him, searching his face for any sign of what had provoked his anger, but his expression is unreadable, his jaw clenched tight with tension.

Around us, I can feel the weight of Soren's aggressive energy, a palpable force that seems to ripple through the air, sending other wolves casting curious glances in our direction.

I feel self-conscious under their scrutiny, acutely aware of the bruising grip that Soren has on me.

As we approach the house, Soren finally releases his hold on me, and I stumble slightly, feeling a sharp pang of pain shoot through the side of my body where his fingers had dug in.

I rub the tender spot gingerly, confusion swirling in my mind.

What had I done to deserve such treatment from Soren?

But try as I might, I can't come up with any answers.

Soren's anger seems to come out of nowhere, a sudden and inexplicable outburst that leaves me feeling unsettled.

The weight of hurt I feel hangs heavy on my shoulders as I trudge up the stairs to my room.

Each step feels like a burden, dragging me further into the depths of exhaustion.

I push open the door to my room and step inside, closing it behind me with a heavy sigh.

The room is dimly lit, the soft glow of the bedside lamp casting shadows against the walls.

I make my way to the bed, sinking down onto the mattress with a weary groan.

I kick off my shoes and lay back on the bed, staring up at the ceiling as I try to make sense of it all. But the answers elude me, slipping through my grasp like sand through my fingers.

I feel adrift in a sea of confusion as I close my eyes.

I feel a sensation of warmth spreading through my body, followed by the gentle touch of hands on my skin.

At first, I think I am having that same dream I had before. But as the sensation intensifies, a burning desire stirs within me, pulling me from the depths of slumber and waking up all my senses.

With a start, I open my eyes to find myself enveloped in Soren's arms, his hands tracing soothing patterns across my scalp.

For a moment, I lay there in stunned silence, my heart racing in my chest as I struggle to comprehend what is happening.

Soren's touch is electrifying, sending shivers down my spine and igniting a fire within me.

As I shift in his embrace, Soren's arms tighten around my waist, pulling me closer until there is no space between us.

His touch is both tender and possessive.

Soren's lips meet mine in a hungry kiss. A surge of conflicting emotions courses through me. His lips are soft, but that doesn't stop me from breaking the kiss.

I find myself gasping for air, my heart pounding in my chest as I struggle to regain my composure.

Soren's other hand finds its way to my chin. "Have you ever kissed anyone?" he asks.

Was it that obvious?

Soren's grip on my chin tightens, his eyes searching mine with a force that makes my breath catch in my throat. "No," I admit.

"It's okay, I will teach you," he whispers, his voice a soothing reassurance amidst the turmoil of my thoughts.

With a shaky breath, I nod in response, allowing myself to relax into his touch once more.

He leans in to press a gentle kiss to my lips. I close my eyes, letting the warmth of his mouth pour into mine.

I don't do anything, I let him take control of our mouths, and as he kisses me, time seems to slow to a standstill, the world fading away until there is only the two of us. Our bodies pressed together in a dance of desire and longing.

We finally part, I am breathless and flushed with emotion. Soren's lips find my neck, trailing a path of fiery kisses that send shivers down my spine.

Instinctively, I tilt my head to the side, granting him access to the sensitive skin of my neck.

Each kiss sends waves of pleasure coursing through my body.

My skin tingles at his touch, electricity sparking between us with every caress, kiss. His hands explore every curve and contour of my body as if he were trying to memorise  every inch of me.

I let out a soft sigh, my breath hitching in my throat as Soren's lips find a particularly sensitive spot, sending a jolt of pleasure through me.

Soren pulls his lips from my neck, leaving me breathless and eager for more as I watch him with glossy eyes.

He sits up and reaches for the blanket, pulling it away to reveal our intertwined bodies beneath. "Come on," he breathes as he guides me to sit up with him.

His touch is gentle as he removes my shirt. My heart pounds in my chest, the sound echoing in my ears as Soren's lips begin their descent down my chest.

I try to push him away as the pleasure becomes too much for me.

I have never felt this way before; it scares me.

Soren pushes my hand that was on his chest away, ignoring my attempt to push his mouth from my nipple.

Authors Note 


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