Chapter 4

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I run through the field, it's beautiful and lush and the air is fresh.

As The wind whips through my hair, I feel a sense of strength and vitality that I hadn't felt in what seemed like an eternity.

And then, in the distance, I see it - a white wolf, it's fur glowing in the sunlight, it's eyes filled with familiarity.

Without hesitation, I race towards the wolf, my heart pounding with excitement as I embrace it in a tight hug.

And then, as if by magic, the wolf begins to shimmer and change it's form, shifting until it stood before me as a woman.

My mother.

Tears well up in my eyes as I look into her familiar face, her warm smile filling me with a sense of comfort and longing.


I missed her more than words could express, and now, seeing her again, I felt a flood of emotions wash over me.

"I missed you so much, Mom," I choke out, my voice thick with tears.

She pulls me close, her arms wrapping around me in a tight embrace as she kisses my cheek "I love you" she whispers wiping away my tears.

"I miss you Sammy," she whispers, her voice soft and gentle.

"I just wanted to see your face, to hear your voice again." her voice is soft and gentle as she spoke.

Tears well up in her eyes, mirroring my own. She had always been my rock, my guiding light in times of darkness.

"You've grown so much, Sammy," she chuckles, her voice filled with pride. "I'm so proud of the man you've become."

But then, as quickly as the dream had begun, it was over. "

No, mom, come back" I cry

My eyes open and I am back in the cold, dark room.

" What happened to your mom?"

Soren is sitting on the edge of the bed with a scowl on his face. His expression dark and foreboding.

The warmth of my mother's embrace fades into a memory, leaving me feeling empty and alone once again.

I quickly wipe away the lingering tears from my cheeks forgetting the cut in my cheek and cry out in pain.

All my previous attempts of trying to not let him see me like this fails in that moment as I break down in pain.

Soren sees everything - every weakness, every fear, every hidden emotion that I tried so desperately to conceal.

His scowl deepens as his eyes bore into mine with such intensity"Why aren't you healing?" he demands, his voice sharp and cutting.

I swallow hard against the lump in my throat, struggling to find the words to tell him to fuck off.

A flicker of something akin to concern flashed across his features before being replaced by his usual mask of indifference.

"you're weak, " he says, his tone tinged with mockery. "You can't be weak. You are my mate."

My eyes widen in fear when he stands up and approaches  me, he sits beside where i'm lying.

His musky scent is overpowering, filling me, my head starts to spin with dizziness.

His body looms over me like a dark shadow, my heart starts to hammer in my chest as he grabs a bowl from the bedside table, his movement calculated.

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