Chapter 18

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After dinner, Soren ushers Grey off to take a bath, his authoritative yet gentle demeanour ensuring that the young boy complies without protest. 

With a promise of two bedtime stories to follow, Grey disappears into the bathroom, leaving Soren and I alone in the quiet of the evening.

Soren begins to tidy up the kitchen, I hover nearby. I try to help but break a plate, and after that, Soren makes me stop trying to help him. 

I scratch my head trying to find words to say,  I wanted to have a conversation with him but I am so bad at talking that I don't know where to start. 

However, I'm saved as Grey's voice echoes from the hallway, his footsteps padding softly against the floor.

"Can Sam read me a story tonight?" Grey's request catches Soren off guard, his brows furrowing in surprise as he turns to face the young boy.

I can sense the hesitation in Soren's response, his usual composure momentarily shaken by Grey's unexpected request. 

But after a moment of consideration, he nods, a faint smile tugging at the corners of his lips.

"Of course, Grey. Sam would be happy to read you a story," He replies, his voice warm and accommodating. 

Turning to me, he offers a reassuring nod, silently conveying his trust in my ability to handle the task.

Does he not want me to read him a story?

 Maybe he's not comfortable with me getting too close with his brother.

"Grey has never asked anyone else to read him a bedtime story"  Soren explains, his voice tinged with a hint of fondness for his younger brother.

The genuine warmth in his tone eases my worries. A  swell of pride and affection swells in my chest at the realisation that Grey has accepted me as part of their little family unit.

"But who wouldn't like you?" Soren adds with a playful smile, his eyes twinkling mischievously as he gives me a knowing look. 

His words elicit a chuckle from me. I walk upstairs and look for Grey's room; I haven't been in there yet, but I find it quickly.

I enter Grey's room, and the sight of him curled up in his sports car bed with a book in hand brings a soft smile to my lips. "Hi," he beams upon seeing me.

His room is a reflection of his playful spirit, with walls adorned with pictures capturing moments shared with his pack members, but most prominently with Soren.

My heart swells with empathy as I take in the images of the two brothers, their bond evident in the laughter and closeness frozen in time.

It is clear that Soren has been more than just a brother to Grey; he has been a parent figure, a mentor, and a constant source of love in the pub's life. 

I settle into the chair beside his bed and start to read Grey a story; he drifts to sleep halfway through. 

I close the book with a soft smile, feeling a sense of contentment wash over me.

Carefully, I approach his bed and gently tuck the blankets around him, ensuring that he is snug and comfortable.

With one last glance at Grey's sleeping form, I quietly tiptoe out of his room, taking care not to disturb his peaceful slumber. 

Making my way down the hallway, I find my own room and step inside, feeling a wave of exhaustion wash over me as I catch sight of my bed.

Without hesitation, I collapse onto the soft mattress, my body sinking into the familiar comfort of the sheets. 

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